Q an A

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Well, I guess this is weird but I am going to hate doing this but I have to but I don't.

Favorite colour: I love black and white my favourite colors

Family: I have a lot of siblings mostly brothers and the names are weird in my family so here we go
1: Gerg
2: Daniel
3: Aaron
4: Kate
5: Eric
6: Heather
1: Nate
2: Amber
3: Sophia

My name: Night Heart my parents ran out when I was born

Age: 12

Birthday: May 12, 2005

Love: Creepypasta,Minecraft ,Digimon,Anime,Music, football(British) also summonings

Hate: American football, the colours neon pink and neon violent, the Oujia

Hair: natural colour was white with black highlights. Now is dyed midnight brown with red highlights.

Eyes: Cloudy white ( I am blind my friends help me write sometimes I wear special glasses)

The Dealer
The Night Terror
Bloody Mask
Danger Light
Crazy Claws
Weather Control
Time Out
Puppet Controller
Lady Darkness
Haunted Crystal Eevee
Ava Case
Entity 839
And finally the one and only the demon herself

Zodiac the Demon of the Universe

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