A Phantoms Nightmare (Homicidal Liu x child¡hybrid!reader)

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Narrator POV

     A windstorm picked up as a man was walking in the void of the night. Snow was picked up by the strom and turned it into a blizzard. The man didn't mind as he continued to walk the snow covered path. The only sound heard was the howling of the wind in the air and trees.

   When the sun set a few hours ago, children fell asleep about this time. Even a few adults have fallen asleep. But the guy was fully aware and wide awake in the night. "Well, I guess he truly was insane. He never really cared about you," spoken the man to himself. In which the voice was much lower to someone's ears to hear.

     "Well I guess your right, but why would he try to kill me. Was it because of the bullies," he replied to himself. The lower voice simply responded with "I guess. But your older than him and you took the hit for him why." The other voice didn't respond just walking in the snow. He didn't want to respond because the other would just say 'why' over and over.

    The wind howled in the man's ears when he heard a howl from a creature. He just ran to the source which just was a bundle in the snow. He was about to leave it when he saw movement. He got closer to the bundle and open it up. It was a baby to be exact it was an elemental hybrid baby. It was a male that had pure white hair and very pale skin and looked like it was freezing. He ran home as fast as he could.

   He made it to his cabin he had been living in since 4 months ago. He unwrapped the bundle of cloth from around the baby carefully. He started to undress the baby when he notice it had winter tattoos on the baby. 'So it's a winter elemental' he thought to himself. What got him to snap out was the marks glowing red.

   Then Liu covered his eyes to protect them from the light and then heard a voice. "Where am I? Who are you?" He heard a squeaky male voice spoken. Liu moved his hands and was shocked. Instead of a baby he saw an eight year old boy.

     "Well I am Liu a killer. And I am Sully," spoke Liu first then Sully spoke after him in a deeper tone than Liu. "Your in our little shack that we call home," Sully said with a devil type smirk on his and Liu's face.

   "Well my name is Curse. And as you can see an elemental hybrid," Curse said in his squeaky male voice. He seemed to very shaken up about everything that just happened to him and the older man in front of him. "Well, you can stay here with me if you want," Liu gave to Curse. Curse kindly took the offer that the older man gave and thanked him.

   "How old are you? I mean human wise that is," Sully asked Curse with a bit of worry in his voice. Curse was taken back by this. No one never asked him for his age at all. "Ummm," Curse hesitated to respond to Sully's question that asked him.

  "In human wise. I guess I am 7 years old. Elemental wise I am 7,000,007 years old," Curse said in a deeper type tone but failed at it. "Wow. Your so young to be an elemental hybrid. They are usually 7 or 8 millions years old," Liu said with his mouth hanging wide open. As if not believing in Curse replie to him.

  Sully asked something that is not like him ",Well, where is your mother Curse. Your mother couldn't die until she is 18. 6 trillions years old." Curse hesitated to answer Sully. No Curse didn't hesitate, Curse refused to answer Sully's question at all. The reason why he refused to answer was because he was crying his eyes out and ran out of the house and into the forest in the middle of winter none of less.

   After everything settled and quiet Liu still stayed where he was standing. Then Sully ran after Curse with all his might through the open door. Sully in Liu's body screaming for Curse's name. It took Sully 4 hours till he found Curse in the cave of the Underworld ,where a portal leads to hell and the Lord of Demons lives.

   "Curse, I am so sorry to mention tour mother," Sully reacted with sympathy to Curse to make him feel safe. Curse sighed and then slowly answer Sully ",No. It wasn't your fault, but mine. It's just that the topic is sensitive to mention. My mother died to a demon named Zalgo." Sully and Liu understood what Curse was trying to say and hugged him. Liu then gave Curse a choice to make.

   Liu sighed then said ", Do you to live with Sully and I in my cabin or live on your own in the woods." Curse was shocked no one or anything gave him a choice ever. Curse already knew his answer before Liu gave. Curse hugged Liu and said with happiness in his voice ", I would like  to live with you and Sully in your cabin. Thank you for giving me a chance." Liu couldn't help it but smile at Curse ",No problem son. Sully and I will always be here for you whenever you need it."


Thank you everyone for your support for this far. This is the end of the story. I am truly sorry, but as my sister always said:

"An ending is just another word for beginning."

See you guys later.

Angel going to heaven.

Dominic back to hell.

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