Music to my Ears (Candy Pop x deaf!Reader)

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Candy Pop's POV

"Ughh," I let a soft yet a very loud groan as I started to wake up. Lately, I have been getting less and less sleep. The reason? I am not too sure, but I keep trying to go to sleep. As I started to wake I got up and stretched my numb and tensed up muscles.

"Just another fing day, yay," I muttered to myself sarcastically. I half-mindedly let out a small evil chuckle and continued my morning routine. Which included doing: eat breakfast, morning jog, daily workout, then finally feed my baby bunny Jingle her food. She may be small but she has a big appetite of a full-grown hare. (Picture up there ^)

~little time skip 45 minutes ~

I finally was able to get to the mansion late somehow. As I got to the door it got slammed open with a white and black blur. I sighed and picked up said blur. It turned out to be a knocked out LJ I sighed as I carried him back inside the mansion.

"Your late," I heard a muffled and manly like voice when I entered to see a slender like figure with their arms crossed. "I already know, I was caught up with something," I argued to the slender like a man. I just rubbed my temple in pain. "Are you ok? You don't look so good," I heard Doc said while I just rolled my violet eyes.

"No, I just haven't gotten enough sleep for the past two months now," I responded as I sat down on the sofa in front of the tv. I let out a short and gruff like a groan as I sat down on the black and lumpy couch. Then I was suddenly yanked up by my collar of my shirt I was wearing by a black tendril. "I only asked you to arrive here and pick up your killing list." I heard Slender hiss at me, in which he threw a folder of potential victims to kill and slam my back to the ground I groaned and pick up the folder and left the mansion while my back still hurts.

~timeskip a few hours later~

After finishing my 13th kill for the day, I decided to make my way back home. Until I heard a gunshot go off in the direction of an alleyway. I soon got interested in the gunshot that has gone off nearby. So I sneakily made my way to the nearby alleyway. As soon I got there I saw a group of people surround a chalk pentagon around three children, one that was already dead and two living.

I try to hide my blue hair by putting on my black hood over it. As I tied the knot to my hoodie I heard another gunshot go off. I quickly looked up to see another kid go down on the ground with their blood splattered against the concert. The last child looked terrified and covered their head in a panic. I rushed in with my giant mallet and hit two people in one swing.

I swung again and again until it was only me and the 'leader'. "Who are you? And why are you killing innocent children?" I screeched madly at the person. They just laughed which made me annoyed with anger. "Answer me!! You pathetic excuse of a trashcan!!" In which in toe they got infuriated at me.

"You have no idea, do you. Why we kill? We kill the imperfections of the world from the deaf to the blind to the mute. We do it to keep everything perfect," they said in a monotone male voice. Which made me madder. Imperfections? Death? A child of sorts. This guy made me sick with disgust in seconds.

"A small child with imperfections? You are the ones who are imperfect for killing children who did nothing wrong!!" I yelled while charging at them with my mallet making blood splatter across my outfit. I carefully and gently make my way to the child.

After carefully looking over them I realized they were a girl. I carefully picked her up and carried her to my home. 'Well at least I got in six more kills today' I thought to myself as I got closer to home.

~a few years (6) later~

It's been a few years since I brought (Y/N) home, and we both learned she was deaf so I taught her sign language. Surprisingly she was a fast learner and caught on. I still kill but at least I try to keep out of my way to watch my daughter grow.

I was laying on the couch with (Y/N) who was drawing when I heard a knock. I quickly signed 'be right back'. In return, she nodded and went back to drawing. I quickly made it to the door and opened it.

At the door was Slenderman in his human form. I sighed and waved him in, but as soon as I closed he turned to his true form. I looked away when I heard a bang from the kitchen and a yelling. As soon as I heard a yell I ran to the kitchen and saw my daughter with a knife close her neck.

I grabbed the attacker which to be Masky and threw him off. I grabbed my daughter and cradled her while she cried. I soothed her back and kissed her forehead. "Pop, who is this?," I heard Slender spoke as I rubbed (Y/N)'s tears away.

"This is (Y/N). She is my daughter, I had for 6 years now. But she is also deaf," I told Slender.

~The End for now~ A part 2 of some of theses are not going to happen because I have hardly any time and I have a huge list of requests so I am really sorry my murders~

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