The eyes of him are gone (Dusk and Dawn)

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Part 2 to Dusk and Dawn. So enjoy the story.

Dawn's POV

    It has been at least two to three months since I and Dusk have been here. "Hey, Dawn I have to go and get the groceries for the mansion. You want anything?" Dusk asked me from the doorway to our room. "Yay, we need dog food for the dogs and cat food for the cat. Oh, can you get me a red velvet cake please," I asked my brother?

   He nodded his head and left the room and went to the store. Possibly with the proxy trio. If I had to be honest. So while he did that I just stayed on the bed with my phone in my hands. Then I saw someone tall legs in front of me. So I put my phone away and looked up. That was when I saw an annoying boy.

   "What do you want?" I asked in an unamused voice with a hint of anger. He sighed and then responded ", Slenderman needs help with Jeff. He said something about him in jail because he tried to kill Trump but failed." He then proceeded to stand there waiting for me to go. "Fine I will go, just stay out of my room Jason," I said to the toy maker while I was irritated at the moment.

Time skip brought by a Sleepy puppy named Peanut.

   I finally made to Slenderman's study with ease. "Sir you needed me," asked Dawn on the other side of the door. "Yes. Come in," he said in a serious tone. In which I entered while not speaking a signal word. "I need you to bail out Jeff from jail. Here are the 45,666,300 dollars to bail him out." Slenderman has spoken then pointed to the money in the bag next to him.

   I nodded my head yes to him and walked to the desk to get the money. In which he gave it to me. Then I began to walk to the door still not speaking a signal word to him. I opened the door and walked out into the hallway. I accidentally bumped into Helen Otis. "Sorry," I quickly muttered out and continued on my way.

   I made it to the front door when I heard someone yelled my name. I turned and saw that Ben running at me. "Yay, you need something?" I questioned him. He shook his head no while panting like a dog. "I am coming with you. Slenderman's orders," he spoke to me. I just nodded and opened the door.

~Timeskip to the Prison where you bail someone out at~

   We just bailed out Jeff and now we have 667,894 dollars left and got a message on my phone from Slenderman. 'If you have money left you can spend it if you want to that is.' 'Wow thanks, Slender' I texted back. "So does anyone want to go to Starbucks," I asked Jeff and Helen which nodded their heads.

   So I and the boys went to the closest Starbucks. I ordered a caramel latte with chocolate glaze in it along with an English muffin. While Jeff just ordered a pure black coffee and a strawberry doughnut. But Helen ordered a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows and a blueberry muffin. 

  Then all of us went home while talking about anything and everything. Then we talked about Trump. "Isn't he the worst president ever or what," Jeff said upset that he didn't kill. I just nodded to agree with him the same as with Helen. 

   I just don't know why he hates him so much or why he talks about him at all. "I just think he needs to die by 'Going to Sleep.' What do you guys think?" He asked us while drinking his coffee. "I think I want don't want him 'excited about tomorrow, because there will be no tomorrow'," Helen spoke with a dangerously cold expression while eating his muffin.

    "If I might run to him or kill him I would say 'Dusk and Dawn, the day will be gone' I just no thought of that," I said to him with a bit curious in my voice and on my face. I am just confused about the whole thing but I hope Dusk is okay.

~Somewhere else where Dusk and the proxies are~

   Dusk's Pov 

     "So Toby pays up, you have the money," I asked Toby because Slenderman gave him the money, which I thought was a bad idea in the first place. "I gave it t-to Masky so I would not lose," Toby responded to me with his arms up in defence because I point to him.

     "Neither do or Hoodie with the thought you had it," Masky said with a  bit of terror on his face. Then I realized that Toby left it on the counter at the Mansion which is in the kitchen. "Okay Hoodie I need you to go to the mansion to get the mansion," I spoke with a calm voice to Hoodie.

    "No need," spoke a voice from nowhere. All of us jumped and Hoodie jumped into Masky's arms, while Toby jumped into my arms and I stumbled while trying not to drop him which failed because of both of hit the ground with a thud. Toby did nothing but I was rubbing my head. We saw Offenderman with the money in which he handed me it.

   "Thanks, I was in a hurry and forgot the money," I said to the brother if Slenderman. He just waved off and left the store with a bunch of roses he already had paid before he had left. I quickly pay for the groceries and the cake my sister asked for. Then started to carry them to Masky's car. Who knew a proxy knows how to drive? I thought to myself while putting the groceries in the car's trunk.

   The drive back to the mansion was silent. Like in a comfortable way, the way you can fall asleep to. In which I did for at least ten minutes. I woke up when the car came to an irritating bounce. I guess we were on the dirt path to the mansion because I always hate the path they have to drive down on. "We're here. Let's start unpacking the groceries," Toby said as he got out of the car.

 Yep, this is mine and my sister's new life. I hope we won't regret it.

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