Jason the Toy Maker (request)

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I am gotten a request on Wattpad for the first time ever. I am so happy to thank you @Night_In_Dark987. I would love to thank you all for how far my story it has come so far. I would also like to warn you guys for strong language later in this part.

Narrator Pov

        It was a relaxing and peaceful morning for Jason. He was debating if to killing a child but decided not to for an unknown reason that came to his mind. He was sitting in the little shop that he lived in until a child with their father and mother walked in taking a look at the dolls.

           "Hello. I am Jason, can I help you on this fine sunny day" asked Jason with a fake smile on his face. "Yes, actually today is my daughter (y/n)'s birthday. I wanted to get her a doll as a present for her. She is turning 2 today," asked the father of the little girl which the father looked like he was in his early twenties and his wife looked like she was 18.

              The wife said, "It is also a farewell for our daughter also". Jason looked confused about this. "What do you mean by a farewell present?" he questioned the married couple. "Our daughter is a freak, so we're going to send her to a facility so they can test and experiment on her."

        This is one thing Jason would never think a parent would even say that. "I have a special doll in the back. Would you like to look at it?" Questioned Jason with a genuine smile on his face. The couple nodded their heads.

        "But your daughter has to stay here, okay." Said Jason giving a small smile to the little girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and greyish-(e/c) eyes. She nodded her head in an yes motion.

    (Y/n) POV

            I stayed in the front story looking at the dolls while my parents go in the back with the man. Then I heard a quiet scream come from the back of the store where my parents are. Then I got worried 'what was that'.

         I got curious and went to the door where the man had gone with my momma and daddy. I tried to reach the knob on the door but I was too short. So I grabbed a nearby stool at the cash register and put it by the door. I stepped on it and grabbed the knob.

        It opened with a squeak being heard. I walked on my father's hands were on the man who worked at the store. "You motherfucker. You killed my wife, and now I will kill you then my daughter" said my father.

       I looked around the room and saw a pair of scissors on the desk next to me. I carefully moved over to the desk and tried not to make any noises to alarm them. In my action, they had not noticed me.

        The man who worked here in the store had noticed me and carefully mouthed in my direction 'Help me, please'. I nodded my small delicate head yes. I grabbed the scissors and put them in my small pocket in my jacket. 

          I carefully sneaked behind my father and softly whispered in his ear "It seems to be the end of you, and I will enjoy it". But before he could react I took out the pair of scissor out of my pocket and stabbed his neck at least 4 times.

       The man looked down and then bend down to my height and said with a small smile on his face  "thank you for saving me from your father (y/n)".

      Narrator Pov
        After Jason said that to the little girl she was a little scared."How do you know my name?" She asked with a bit of her voice skanin. "Well before your father died, he told me your name" Jason had responded to her.

             She calmed down and realised why her parents were getting her a gift in the first place it wasn't her birthday tomorrow is her birthday. Her parents were getting rid of her by giving her to the government.

         She broke down crying her eyes out while saying "they never loved me enough to give me to the government, they thought I was a freak" she bawled out with her eyes spilling out like waterfalls.

     "I love you (y/n). You can stay with me here in my shop.  As long as you need to sweetheart" Jason said with deep emotion towards the little girl. The next thing the little girl did surprised him.

     She ran towards the man and gives him a big hug and said something that he have never heard "will you be my new papa, please Jason."

        He was struck there in shock and happy. "I'll love to be your dad (y/n)," Jason said with happiness and joy.


Thanks for almost 7.k reads guys this means a whole lot to me and my sister.

Demon:Sis looks.
Angel:What*looks at the screen*
Demon:I have gotten 6.92 reads on wattpad.
Angel:nice job sis.

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