Blood is nothing to fear Percy x Pharaoh x child Homicidal Liu

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This is part one of Pirate Percy x my Oc Pharaoh. It is my personal favourite ship. This is a story of its own and not based on the story of Percy. The picture on top is what I drew online. I know I am bad at drawing. 

     Percy's Pov

       It has been three years since I started dating my wonderful boyfriend Pharaoh. He is sweet and nice, he likes me for me. When I told him I was gay, he accepted me unlike everyone else. Even my own best friend had disowned me for being gay. Even though she is a lesbian. I thought she would still love me, but I was wrong so wrong about her.

     Thinking back on the memory didn't help at all.  I didn't realise that I started crying until I felt someone giving me a hug: it was Pharaoh ."Baby, are you okay. You just started crying and I was worried," said Pharaoh with worriness in his voice. I couldn't talk, I couldn't speak. Tears in golf my face and throat.

   This went on for ten minutes until my sobs turned into nothing but sniffles. I am happy to have him in my life. He patted my back and spoke softly", Are you okay? You just randomly started to cry." I just told him "just thinking my friend that didn't support me." It was a huge lie. I was actually crying about my sister Night committed suicide for having cancer. 

   Yay, my sister killed herself for having cancer and her friends bullying her because of it. She was everything thing to me. No ones know of it, not even my own boyfriend. I said to my loving boyfriend in a sweet voice with a small smile on face, "I am going to my room if you need me or anything." He just nodded and watch me leave with a sad smile.

Pharaoh's Pov

    I am worried for Percy ever since his friend was bot supportive of him. Well, he had become very distant from everyone even me. I want to know what really is wrong. I want to tell I love him. I took the ring out of my pocket and softly whispered to myself, "I will propose, I just need the perfect moment." Then I got an idea.

~Timeskip to the Date~

Still Percy Pov

    I arrived at the restaurant in my human form. When I saw Pharaoh my heart skipped a beat. He looked pretty handsome in his human form. Instead of decaying grey skin, he had beautiful tan skin, instead of pure black eyes in was normal light brown eyes. He wore a black suit with a blood red tie. Along with black dress pants along with black dress shoes.

    "Thanks for inviting me to eat, but why a fancy restaurant, you know it costs too much money," spoke Pharaoh worriedly to me. "You don't have to worry, this is my favourite restaurant they know me here," I responded to him in a sweet voice.

~Timeskip after dinner~

Pharaoh Pov

    After the delicious meal me and Percy had. We took a walk in the park we suddenly we stopped. "I fell in love with you from the day I saw you. At first, I thought you were ugly and horrifying. But once I got to know who you really was I fell for your looks, your personality," I heard him paused and spoke once again and kneeled down."Will you marry me so we can stay together," he said to me. He heard me repeat over and over 'I do' while hugging him in the process.

     As we walked home to pass an alleyway we heard crying that sounds like a kid. I stopped and went down the alleyway with a bit of hesitation in my footing and in my fiancee's footing as well. We both saw a child with stitches on his face. They also had big green eyes that has shoulder length hair that covers one of them.

   They wore a grey jacket with a dirty yellow shirt underneath it. They also wore a long scarf that has a grey scheme pattern on it. They also wore pants. "Hi, I am Pharaoh, what's your name and where are your parents at?" I asked the child who was now scared."I-I am Liu Woods. My parents a-are gone. T-they were killed by my older brother," he was crying again I tried hugging him and he stiffened.

Liu Woods Pov (20 minutes ago)

     I was at home sound asleep in my warm bed when I heard dad scream." GET AWAY YOU MONSTER!!" I heard my dad screamed out of fear. Which now I was scared. I carefully walked down the stairs trying not to make any sound or noise of any kind. I silently walked in the kitchen to see dad and mom dead with a big smile cut on their face.

   I felt like puking but didn't. "Well dearest brother time for you to die," I heard Jeff say. I felt him stab me in my arm and I fell. He left me to die from blood loss. But with what strength I had I picked myself up wincing at my arm. I went into my room and put on my hoodie best I could with a stabbed shoulder. I then grabbed my scarf. Then I ran out of the house. I started to run into the town until my home was out of view and ran into an alleyway.

    I then sat down with my shoulder still bleeding. Thinking to myself 'I would be dead by morning.' That was before I saw two people stop at the alleyway. They walked to me, they were both wearing suits. Then I heard ", Hi I am Pharaoh, what's your name and where are your parents?" I hesitated and spoke as calmly as I can ", I-I am Liu Woods, my parents a-are gone. T-they were killed by my older brother." Then I started to cry again because I couldn't bear the truth of the situation.

     "You can come with us, if you want," I heard the man named Pharaoh spoke calmly to me. I nodded my head and heard him say "This is Percy, my fiancee. And your new father along with me." He pointed to the other man in a suit. I smiled and Pharaoh picked me up carefully not to make my shoulder worse then it was.

~two years later~

  A few years pass my arm is all better but still have a scar. My parents got married and we live happy lives.

The End

This two about maybe a month to write so we hope you like it.

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