BEN Drowned Part 1

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This was a request from Nilin_Cartier-Wells she is my best friend. Some of you may know her.

Narrator's POV

          It was a cool fall morning when Ben was killing his victims through his haunted game cartridge. He loved hearing death in the morning like any other killer. But he was sad he was all alone besides from the other Creepypasta. He wanted a child he wanted a family. But he knows that he can't he is a pasta an murder who can't feel love well he shouldn't. But he wanted a child who loves him and he wants to love the child.

Ben Drowned POV

        I sighed as I finished my final kill of the week. I felt like I  had nothing but I  wanted to be a father a good one at that. But Slenderman will never allow me to take care of a human child because of the others killing them. Then I realized I was still in the house of my victim. I went through the TV and end up in a game. I looked around it was the game Sims 4 and I realized I saw a child crying but this game was not be in played. That the child was real but how was the child alone. "Hey. Where are your parents kid," I asked them with an soft tone voice. They were crying but now they are in sniffing. I realized that I holding them like a protective parent. I felt like I wasn't alone anymore. "My parents are abusive and they don't love me anymore so I ran away.,"said the little (gender). They had an small nose I noticed that there eyes were cloudy. That's when I realized that the child was blind. "I have a idea do you want me to take care of you," I said while still holding them. I saw a small spark in there eyes and I knew the answer. But when they hugged me I was sure that the answer the child wanted to tell was yes. After for a few minutes I hugged them back. I heard them say ",yes. I would like to be your (daughter/son/kid). Plus why would you want me as your (d/s/k)." I thought for a while but I don't know why. So I responded with ," Probably because I now how you feel about not being loved by anybody. Do I wanted you to now some one cares about." That should be a good answer I thought.

To be continued....

I am not in the mood to do a little role-play because I am so tired it's about 1 or two in the morning where I live. Plus I am not sure if I spell anything right.

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