Glitching Conditions (Part 2 Ben Drowed)

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️  This contains cursing and abuse if you are sensitive or don't like it don't read. And then if you do it is at your risk.

Ben Drowned POV

I felt my body glitching in and out along with the kid who was right beside me. "Ok, deep breath and.." before I was able to finish I got dizzy and blackout from the static. After a few moments, I appeared in the living room with the kid next to me. The kid looked like they were going to puke in which they did.

"I am sorry forgot to warn ya about that," I replied trying to hold in my laugh and failed. "HUMAN IN THE BASE!!" I heard someone yell. I saw the kid hold their head and slightly glitch while trying to stop the sound. I then heard static and slightly cursed ", Fuck, now I have to explain everything."

Without a second thought or moment, I explained the situation ", This child here is not human. They were abused and are blind, and if you could so kind to please stop the static that would be appreciated. The kid's hearing is really sensitive." As I got done and stood in front of everyone, I saw them with their mouths jaw dropped to the ground. I then looked back at the kid and saw them start to uncover their ears and their breathing going heavy.

"You okay?," I asked the kid as I heard their breathing become distorted and slightly glitching. I saw them shake their head slightly to confirm they were okay. I stated simply ", That's good to hear." I gave them a slight pat on their head and saw a slight smile form on their face. "What is their name? Though it might be really fucking stupid," I heard Jeff question then laugh at his own sentence.

Your POV

      "What is their name? Though it might be really fucking stupid," I heard a deep and rough voice say. I laugh a little and respond with ", My name is (Y/n) Voorhees. It is nice to meet you all." With a creepy dark smile on my face. I heard a few gasps and heard a laugh from my new dad.

       You see my birth dad never liked me and would constantly hit and throw his weapons at me, call me horribly things that a kid should never be called, and be neglected. So my whole body is now covered in scars and bruises, as well as malnourished. I just then felt someone hug and realized that it was new dad. Apparently, I was crying and hadn't noticed it, but my dad had. So at the moment, he was hugging me like no tomorrow, in which I just gladly hugged him back.

        "Could you please don't mention him please," I slightly glitched-out to say. I quickly heard an ", of course. You can ask us anything you want." I heard a deep and gruff voice spoke out. I just said ", Oh ok thanks then. Thank you Slenderman."

         "How do you know it was me and not one of the others," I heard Slenderman spoke in a simple yet dark enveloped tone of his voice. "Well, I can hear the authority in your way speaking, as well as the lower pitch in your tone that is not there in other people," I had given the spoken conclusion to him.

         I just stood there awkwardly in uncomfortable silence. I just stayed quiet cause I didn't know what to say at that moment. "Hey, (Y/n) do you want to play video games with me?" Questioned my father. I just nodded and smiled.

         I think I am going to like here.

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