Pirate Percy (Updated)

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I have never heard of him so I don't know how to start this story. And I will try to make this one good.

      (Y/n) POV
     It was a normal day after school. I went to turn on the TV to watch a new episode of  Candle Cove. It is the best TV show ever. I was watching when Percy was about to prank someone.  I laughed when my brother walked in. "What are you laughing at (N/n)?" asked Alexander. I responded  "Percy did a prank on someone" I continued to giggle.  Then my brother said, "Sis the TV has static on the TV  and who is this Percy?" I can't believe it.  My brother doesn't see the show.  "Bubby he is on TV. Don't you see him and the others " I said? He shooked his head no. I ran crying, now he will think that I'm crazy. I started to cry as I felt someone hug me. When I looked it was Percy. "Percy, I knew you were real," I said with a smile on my face. He smiled and nodded. I then asked him a question "Why didn't my bubby didn't see you on Candle Cove." He waited to answer, then said: "Well you see your brother never had an imagination like you, but he knows me as someone else." I was confused at what Percy said at first until I remembered what my mom said. 


       "Mommy, what would happen to my imagination when I get older," I asked my momma. "Well, some people's imagination will disappear if they had a messed up childhood."Said, momma, with a sad look on her face. "But others imagination will suddenly disappear with no members of their imaginary friends like the others." My mother finished and then left the room after she spoke. 

*Flashback ended*

Alexander's POV   

         I felt bad for making (Y/n) run out of the house I should apologise to her. So I went outside to look for my little sister when I saw my boyfriend Percy right next to her. "Hey Perc, what are you doing here," I asked my boyfriend with a smile. "Oh, I came to visit you, Alex. But I saw (Y/n) so I thought I could cheer her up," said Pery. I was happy that Percy and (y/n) are getting along. So I went over hugging them as an apology for making (y/n) cry. 

Narrator  POV 

Alexander and (Y/n) said in unison "Ich vermisse dich, Mama und Papa"

English- I miss you, mom and dad,

German-Ich vermisse dich, Mama und Papa

French-Tu me manques, maman et papa

Spanish-Te extraño, mamá y papá

Tagalog- namimiss kita, nanay at tatay

Sorry for the translation but these are the main languages that the readers speak in or read in and I am sorry for misspelling if any. If there is let me know

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