Jeff the Killer (aka the joker)

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         Ok just one thing you guys need to know about me. I have a strong hatred for Jeff with passion.Plus this is a Jeff X Disorder! Child reader.


       You might be thinking why do I always have to be in my room? Well, that is because my mom is very protective of me and I get sick easily. It's not my fault that I get sick easily. I have immune system disorder this runs in my family. "Honey I have to go to work so be good okay," said my mom. "Kay momma," I responded in a cute manner. "Oh, Honey don't forget to take your meds okay," Momma said almost forget to tell me to take.

      As mommy was at work I began to make breakfast for me. Even though I am (age 1-4) I know how to make breakfast for myself. *BAM* I heard a window open I grabbed the closest item near me a large butcher knife in my arms. Even though I am (1-4) I know how to use a butcher knife as a weapon.

Jeff the Idiot Killer POV

   As I opened the window to (your last name). I accidentally made a loud sound when I opened the window. "Dang maybe that was a little too loud," I muttered to myself. "W-w-who is there" I heard a little voice stamped out. 'Wow, why is there a kid be home alone at this young age' I thought to myself. "Hey kid where's your mom and dad at?" I asked the kid. It took awhile but they said " my mom is at work and my dad is in prison," she said with sadness in their voice.

       As I was talking to the kid I heard a car pull in I hid in the closet in the Y/N's closet. As I watched Y/N get slapped by her mom for not taking her medicine. "GO.TO.SLEEP." I yelled to their mother."Hey, thanks" I heard the kid say. From here on I will become a father to Y/N.

Wow, I had fun making this but I still hate Jeff. I love Jane better than Jeff.

Jeff: Why do you hate me? I am fabulous.
Night: Because of your as ugly as Offenderman's fashion style.
Trenderman: *gives me a fist bump*
Night: Plus I like Jane better than you Jeff.
Jane:*high fives me* Yay

404 words

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