A Killer's Laugh (Request Smile Dog.exe)

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This is a part where you are a puppy? But this is my first time trying to do something like this so please don't hate me.

(Y/n) POV

           It was a normal sunny day in an animal shelter for a puppy like me. First I got adopted by a man in a black hoodie and a navy blue mask, it looked like he had light brown hair, until I noticed his dark grey skin. In my opinion, I think he looks nice. But I was wrong, he would lash out at me at every night and does not feed me. He only feeds me once every week which I guess I'm lucky to be alive I guess in an unknown way of the way I live. His name is Jack that is all he had ever told me at all about him in any way. But one night as I was hiding I heard shouting from the living room.

         "Jack please calm down, I didn't mean to kill him. I didn't know he was your boyfriend" yelled someone, but I didn't recognise the voice. It sounds like Jane but manlier in a way and more rougher to hear. Then I heard screaming then unbearable silence. I walk out whining, then I saw a man with a cut smile looking at Jack's unbreathing and unmoved body and had cuts all over his body from his neck to his legs.

       "Hey, there little one. Are you okay?" Asked the man with a cut smile and bleached body, which I thought he smelled good. "I am fine. I guess." I said but I assumed he couldn't understand me because I was speaking in dog tongue. But what happened next shocked me the most. "I am glad to hear that. Oh, what's your name I'm Jeff" said I expect Jeff. I then responded with "I am (d/n) (dog name). How can you understand me?" 

                  He chuckled then responded with "Well I can understand you because I have a dog that helps me understand dogs." By which I got excited about another dog. Jeff smiled at the state of him saying he had a dog. "Please take me with you, Jack never gave me food and kept me in a cage," I said to him, then he heard my stomach growl. "Okay just stay calm, and I have to carry you, you little runt," he said to me and I nodded my head yes to what he said.

Time skip brought by an adorable puppy named Cuddles

        It has at least a two-hour walk because I fell asleep in Jeff's hands. A smell actually woke me up because I smelled steak as soon Jeff brought me to his home. Which is a huge mansion called the Slender Manor? What is a slender? Jeff noticed I tilted my head in confusion. "First time you have heard of a Slender," asked Jeff. I nodded my head yes. Then we walked into the home of the killer.

        I saw a big red and black dog and got scared. You wouldn't blame me if you saw a dog as big as a wolf compared to a tiny (t/d) (type of dog) puppy.  "Jeff is this a new toy for me to tear up," asked the husky who was smirking. That is kinda creepy but I snapped out of my trance of being afraid of him. "I am not a toy, you overgrown bag of fur," I said while trying to sound brave but failed at it.

       "I was just teasing you, you newbie," he said while laughing. "What is your name? Mine is (Y/N)!!" Replied the hyper puppy, with a hint of happiness. "Well, my name is Smile Dog.EXE. But you can call Smile" said Smile Dog. "Just one rule through," said Jeff with a serious attitude. "What is that?" said Smile. "You are her new father figure"

The next word after this everyone is going to laugh I guarantee it.

"Fuck!" screamed Smile.

Here it is.

666 words.

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