Ace and Act the Twins of Time

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Narrator POV

             As Ace and Act were out killing humans. They had never realised that they were not alone. In fact there were two kids were watching without them noticing. These two kids were in fact twins. (Y/n) and (R/n) (rhyming name). These two were inseparable nethier of them wouldn't want to be apart. They can do anything together.

*timeskip to night*

             As the cool night air grew cold. So did the blood on Ace and Act's clothes. "That was so much fun.Right sis?" Asked Act, he always been in a good time for a joke. "Well I guess but, I feel alone. Even though I have you with throughout time it self. I would like to be a mom." Said Ace with sadness in her voice. Act looked at his sister with the same way his sister just did. He felt the same way and said " I feel the same way but, humans can't live the same way we do." Then he got an idea. Not idea that got them stuck as time killers which wore an dumb idea. An idea that can allow them be able to be parents.

(Y/n) and (R/n) POV

                 As the two kids were walking into the forest of time and space to get to there home which was actually in the forest. (R/n) felt like they were being watched be an unknown force or being. "Hey (sis/bro) do you feel a weird being or force. Like if it was watching us." Said an shaky and unsteady (R/n). There sibling just nodding in an agreement. They always felt like something was watching them. But this time it was different, like if they hadn't felt before.

Narrator POV

          As Ace and Act were walking in the forest. On there way to the orphanage on the other side of the forest. They saw two kids that looked exactly the same. Then they saw them more closer. They looked like they hadn't eaten for about a couple weeks. They had gotten an idea when they saw that. "Hey do you guys have any parents" asked Act with sadness in his voice. They both shook there head no. Then Ace said "Well do you want us to be your mom and uncle". They waited to answer and both nodded yes. "What are your names?" asked Ace they said "(y/n) and (r/n)". They walked home to there little house in the forest.

The End.

I am Angel Demon's sister. I wrote this story until my sister gets out of the hospital. Which is going to be a month or two tops. For now i will be writing her stories.


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