1..2..He's watching you (The Observer)

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Narrator Pov

      It was a quiet evening, even though it was 1 in the evening. All children were still in school while one was at home sick in bed. "Honey I hope you are okay by yourself alone." Said a worried mother about to go back to work for the day. "Mom I am just going to be okay with myself," said a child that just puked in a trash can that was near their bed moments ago.

   (Y/n) was their name. They were always have gotten sick since they were really young. Apparently, they have an immune system disorder. Only them and their mother know of this.

  "Well honey call me if you get worse." Said their mother with still a bit of worry about it. Their mother had left for work for the next 5 to 6 hours. The child had nothing to do so they just started to read a horror book about a killer named 'Blue Bread'. That is a strange name.

   (Y/n)'s Pov

       I was reading my favourite book named 'Blue Bread'. People think I am weird because I read it and just maybe enjoy the killing part way too much. They also find it weird that I get a lot more sick than normal people. It's not my fault I have it I have gotten from my papa. I just apparently inherited it from him, like his father before him. 

     As I was in the middle getting me some frozen yoghurt from my freezer. I felt like I was being watched something. So I looked around to see if there was anything there, but there was nothing. So I went back to my Fro-yo, I literally love this stuff. If I had, to be honest, I like so much better than ice cream. That might be saying a bunch.

    I went to the living room with my frozen treat in my hands.  I used the silver remote that has black buttons to turn on the TV. I turned it on Nightmare on Elm Street. I love the horror movie genre. As I watched Freddy Kugar killed another victim I heard someone say 'shit'.

   So I paused the movie I was watching moments ago. I stand up and carefully walked into the kitchen. That's when I saw him. The Observer, I know of him. Well, what other people told me about him.

   I got out my katana that was in its holder from my back. I had taken a few classes of how to fight with samurai weapons. As I stealthy snicked into my kitchen. I saw the Observer trying to open a can of olives with his teeth.

   "Do you want me to open that for you?" I said with a cough. He nodded his head yes. As I open the can of olives with the can opener. He looked in awed. "Here is the can of olives mister," I said while giggling a little. He said, "thank you (y/n)." I wasn't surprised that he knew my name. He is supposed to know everyone's name.

   "Where is your mother Sheren at?" Asked the Observer while eating the black olives. I responded with "She's at work. Oh, she is also a cop." Then I turned on the TV in the kitchen to the news. I saw my mom on the ground."Today officer Sheren has been killed by an armed robber in the local bank," said the news reporter on TV.

    I was shocked at what the TV said. "My mama is gone, everyone, I knew is all gone for good now," I said sobbing my eyes out, while the Observer was hugging me. "If you would like, do you want me to take good care of you." I heard him say in a whisper loud enough for me to hear. "I would like that."

Wow sorry, I haven't been able to update my book. I have had school and had to babysit. But I am back.

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