Yin & Yang with Balance

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Okay, first things first. This is a Jane the Killer x Jeff the killer so no hate. Oh and my sister Demon is out of commotion due to a dare by a friend. Plus I ship them. Also an Oc by Femalelostsilver which is called Black Mist.

Jeff the Killer POV

          It was a warm summer's day while having a picnic with my girlfriend: Jane. We use to not get along with each other for reasons but in the end, we worked everything out. But we still fight every now and then.

           We got done a few moments ago and now we are hanging out with Mist. She is very nice but sometimes she is like a bomb because one moment she is nice but the next she goes off.

       So that is why we hang out with her. But she is like a daughter to me. Jane also thinks the same thing. We were walking throughout the city and enjoying the loud noise.

       There was a construction site set up near the Trump Tower and a wreaking ball. Then suddenly the wreaking ball 'accidentally' destroyed the tower. Jane, Mist and I were laughing because of it.

       Then we heard a construction worker scream. "Stay away from me" yelled a construction worker that sounded manly. We saw a kid that yelled, "Those who kill nature needs to die as well."

     We were shocked a child killing people who destroy nature. Jane looked like she was going to burst in excitement. "Honey, do you think she has parents," said Jane that was hoping that she didn't and wanted to be her mother.

      Then the little girl saw us and said: " Can I help you guys today if so I will help you end your suffering." Then she ran at us with a longbow that has blades at the end of it.

      As she stopped in front of Mist she said, "Do I know you from somewhere?" She looked at Mist I recognised her. She is (killer name), the killer who vanquished the immortal demon Zalgo.

      She spoke ", Oh your the creepypasta crew. It is nice to meet you my name is (Y/n)(L/n)." She spoke in a civilized manner. Which in return I was shocked to hear her sound like she still has her sanity.

     Jane walked up to her and picked her up and spun her around.  Then what we heard is laughing coming from the little girl."Stop please that tickles," screeched the little girl that looked normal now.

    The Mist was just looking at both of them smiling a friendly smile towards them. I was happy for them, for me, well actually for us. I have been getting lonely by myself since I gave up killing.

"Hey (Y/n) I was wondering if you want to be my daughter" spoke Jane with a soothing voice that is staying calm with every word she spoke. 'Wow the reason why I love her is that she is so gentle to every living thing' Jeff thought to himself.

    "I always wanted a mommy, so yes I would," said an excited (y/n) that was jumping up and down while looking like a (fav/c) blur. She kinda reminds me of Sonic.EXE, but oh well at least she is cute.

    We all walked home when Mist said "Can I be your daughter too. I understand if you don't." She spoke in a sad tone while looking at the ground. I told Mist "You can be our daughter, you don't have to ask. You were like a daughter to us anyways." I spoke while holding my family hands. 

The End

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