The Broken Camera (My Oc)

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  Okay before we begin. The reader in this part is non-binary. Meaning they have no gender. And to add the photo is based on my OC. Parts of the story of my OC has been added as well, to let you guys know. The time is 2019 in this story.
Pronouns: They and them

     Narrator Pov
   "As soon a scream was heard until a sudden flash was seen from the woods, " said a deep voice that sounded feminine. The child that was told the story screamed and hid under the blanket they had. "That was the worst story ever, " spoke the 6-year-old child. "Well, a story is a story. Now go to bed, YOU have chores tomorrow, " the woman demanded slightly at the little child. In which the child nodded back hesitantly. 

*a little time skip*

    As the night grew darker and colder the child feels asleep horrified for their life. The story gave a run for their money. Figuratively speaking that is since they are still a child. That has no cash on them what's so ever. Until suddenly they woke up from a sudden scream. Out of fear they hid behind the only thing they have in there room: a dresser.

Readers POV

    I try to stay hidden and quiet until my door swung open with much force. *(Name)? Are you here?" asked a feminine voice that sounded like a German accent with a mix of Russian in their voice as well. I stayed silent still until I heard crying. "I will never find them, I thought they were here, but I guess not, " I heard the girl said to her self and sounded on the brink of crying.

    I turned my head to look at her. She had short brownish reddish hair that went to her neck. Pale tan skin with rose-tinted cheeks along with her freckled nose. Then I saw her wear a light blue shirt that also had a rose on it. along with black pants with a polaroid camera around her neck that looked very old fashioned as well as the colour: black.

   I mustered up enough courage to say " Anybody there? I know you are here just don't do anything stupid." I then thought that was the worst decision that I ever made in my life. That was until I heard laughing. I remember that laugh. I poked my head out to see her facial features. "By the way my name is Karen," I heard her say, in which I tried not to laughed but failed.

-I am so sorry but time skip to 2 hours later-

   I walked aside the woman that has one green eye that looked like a cat. While the other was a piece of a camera that had small cracks in it as well. "So how did you lose your eye? If you don't mind me asking," I asked the kind lady.

   "It's a long story but I guess I can tell you. I was 9 when I first 'died'. A man was taking a photo of me and my family, in which I didn't trust the man because later he tried to kill me, but I saw his smirk as he grabbed his polaroid camera. "A picture to remember..."  I heard him say before I saw him press a button, then darkness..." I heard her say as she paused then breath out.

   "It felt ages until I saw the light, I.. I thought I just fell asleep, but no. I was trapped in a photo for a long time: 1948. In which I got released in 2002. I was so angry, I heard people went missing but I found them. I found them all, they were all trapped in photos. I released them. But police showed up and took us to an orphanage, that I grew up in till I was 18." I heard her speak I got it from there well I hoped I did.

    "Well, when I turned 20 I got pregnant and had you. Until I and my husband got divorced and he put you up for adoption, in which I killed him and looked for you for ages," I heard her say while taking out a photo of us. In which I cried and hugged her. 

    Narrator Pov

   It was a good ending until (Y/N) said ", So mom am I a boy or girl." In which Karen just stayed quiet. The end. Maybe a part two soon.

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