* One *

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Everyday I came to the same spot to study, and have been for the whole time at this school. I had terrible anxiety about what I was going to wear daily, but eventually it died down when I entered into this sacred place.

It was literally my home. I probably have read every fantasy book once and basically have a nest in the back corner where I sat.

I also studied for all of my tests here, and one day I think I stayed until after closing time.

My name is Rosie, I am 16 years old and I was born September 13th. I am exactly 5 feet and 10 inches, I have long legs, and long dirty blonde hair.

I love books, reading, and basically anything that includes a good romance or a big dragon. I am goofy, have 3 cats and 1 small dog that looks like a giant rat, and I am a Junior in High School.

It was the 3rd day of school, and I barely had carved into my history homework. Taking out the paper, I had peered over it several times in class.

What a bust, I had only 2 days to study for a test bigger than my social status! It was pitiful, really.

It was only 3 days in, give me a break! School literally made me want to curl up and sob, but I had to stay strong and graduate with a 4.0....or try.

In my normal spot, I was tucked in the corner of the library where nobody goes back to.

It had some empty shelves that probably had more spiders than I could count, but it was cozy. The librarian provided me with a very comfortable cushion and plenty of book passes.

We were good friends, and she was glad someone could talk to her about her unhealthy obsession about our "hot" older algebra II teacher.

If you asked me, he belongs in a mental institution and she's not that far behind. He would always mutter weird things under his breath and would trip on things that were not there. He would also ask the students for their numbers when the closest thing he had to a phone was a Dora the explorer bobblehead on his desk. He hated technology.

Knee-deep into my homework, I heard a small creak in the floor. Shooting my head up to the dark corners of the library, nobody was there.

"Hello?" I called out softly, but still, nobody replied.



I could hear the whisper from the library corner. Was there even more than a few bugs back here?

The shelves were empty because there weren't that many books to fill them, and many boxes crowded the path to the back, but I knew there had to be something living back here.

I could hear some paper turning over and some writing squeaks of the mechanical pencil. There was someone back here, wasn't there? My backpack tight to my back, I smiled.

"Hello?" I heard someone call. A girl. She sounded so small. What if I scared her? He was looking the other direction when I saw her. "Hi!" I said pretty loudly, and I am pretty sure she had a panic.

She threw her history paper up in the air and threw her small legs up over her. "Oh my gosh, you scared the crap out of me!" She spurted out, her naturally soft voice intruding the quiet library.

"Sorry!" I said, and she began to collect her history paper and book and locate her pencil. She didn't look at me and focused on her homework.

"What are you up to?" I asked, but she took a second to answer. "Homework." She said quickly, and I took a seat next to her.

"Oh, you're in my class, right? Must be new." I nodded, sure of myself.

"No, I have been in the same class as you since 5th grade, Adi." She scoffed. Wait, what? She knows my name? I had never seen this girl, let alone hear her talk.

"I have never heard about you or from you in class." I backed up slightly. "Because I don't talk much." She replied quickly and tried to make it look like she was actually doing her homework.

I hadn't even made a dent in my homework, and didn't plan to until the next morning. "What's your name?" I asked. Sure, right, she was from 5th grade. Yeah right! I am pretty sure she was lying.

"Rose." She said softly, flipping through her history textbook to the first chapter and the second lesson. "Okay, Rosie. See you tomorrow." I smiled and waved to her. "Its Rose!" She snapped back playfully.

"Okay, Rosie. Sure thing." I rolled my eyes with a smile and she smiled back with a shake of her head. That smile killed me. She was adorable.
lets hope this fan fiction doesn't flop just like my grades 🤦🏼‍♀️

where do you guys live?
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