* Twenty *

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you guys are so sweet.

you kept asking me how it went at my crush's house

it went super good!
i sat RIGHT next to him and yeah

it was pretty dope

too bad he doesn't like me



I ran my cold fingertips through my tousled hair. 

I began to embrace my natural waviness, so I decided  to not blow dry hair.

It had past since dried, and I added some natural-looking makeup plus some highlighter and color popping bronzer to finish my look.

I heard my phone buzz from my bathroom, jogging through my spacious room to my freshly made bed

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I heard my phone buzz from my bathroom, jogging through my spacious room to my freshly made bed.

Sitting down on it, I opened up my texts.


No, fuck.

My dad.

Thanks dad.

Opening the text, I groaned.

Dad: Put $$ in your account. I don't want you to get pregnant, so please none of that stuff. Thanks. Love you.

Rosie: Thanks dad. :)

Not thanks? I didn't want him to think I was sleeping around.

I had literally just had sex for the first time.

Well, consensual.

Walking towards my bathroom, I took one glance at myself and then turned the light off, briskly striding back to the bed and grabbing my bag.

Slipping my phone and portable charger into it, I also grabbed my wallet and other necessities before turning off the lights in my room and exiting to go downstairs. 

My phone buzzed in my bag, and I grabbed it.

Bryant: Hey! I am SO sorry! My grandmother was moved to hospess care in the hospital and they suspect she only has an hour left :( I am gonna have to cancel our date. I am sorry! Talk to you later.

Rosie: Its fine! Please update me xx and I am so sorry about your grandmother!

I was truly sorry, but that was my night plans! I had to cancel with Amy!

Huffing, I sat back on the stair I was propping myself on.

Maybe I should just go shopping?

It would clear my mind.

Going down the steps, I approached the fridge and ripped the small note off.

My parents and I would list down a bunch of groceries that we needed over the week, and it if it wasn't important then we would wait until one of us went shopping.

Looking down the list, it was just a few items.

* Milk 

* Eggs 

* Swiffer Pads

Yep, easy.

Grabbing my keys, I threw my beg over my shoulders and walked out my car.


Walking in Walmart, I pushed a cart into the store and looked around.

It was pretty busy tonight, but I didn't really mind.

I loved shopping because I could be by myself.

I could look at clothes or just be looking at milk and I would be happy.

I grabbed the stuff on the list before grabbing some of my own stuff.

Going down the aisle, I grasped a box of tea and smiled.

I remembered this tea.

Adi gave me this tea when I was sick.

Slowly putting it in the cart, I turned around to see the very boy I thought I wouldn't have to see until Monday.

Adi Fishman.

He didn't see me at first, so I turned around and started to walk away before I heard a small call.

"Rosie?" I tensed up, stopping slowly and whipping my head around awkwardly.

"Oh! Hey! Adi!" I said, trying to act like I didn't know he was there.

"Hey! Whatchya got there?" He asked, walking up to my cart and pulling out the tea.

"Just my mom's favorite tea.." I tried to pull it off.

Please don't be awkward, me!

You got this! 

Pull yourself together!

Adi nodded quickly before placing it back into the cart.

"I remember I made that exact tea for you when you were sick, remember?" He asked and I nodded with a small chuckle.

He remembered?

Guys usually don't remember that sort of stuff.

"So how's Bryant? I heard you two went on a date." Adi said.

Word travels fast.

"Actually we were supposed to tonight! He sadly had to cancel it because his mother is in hospess." I smiled and Adi raised a brow.

"I literally just talked to him when he walked down Main with a girl into Pagliacis." He seemed questionable.

"What?" I was shocked.

There is no way he would joke about that!

Bryant was a serious and mature young man, he wouldn't dare.

"Let me take you there, I literally just saw him before I came here." Adi said, his warm hand grabbing mine and leading me out of the store.

The difference between Adi's hand and Bryant's hand?

Adi was warm.

Bryant was cold.


sorry for the small-ness 

I am trying to keep chapters smaller so I can get them done and have better concepts!

Question: Favorite color?

Answer: Purple, but the pastel type? Ya feel?

Much love



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