* Fifteen *

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hey guys

no i did not breakup with someone, i didn't make that last chapter to make to sound like i did

im single and happy to be single :)
i have only dated like....4 times?

anYWAY getting onto the story

enjoy muah



I walked through the halls. I didn't feel like myself, and I am sure some kids noticed that.

The bruises on my face healed up, and I had put makeup over it anyway.

I walked into History, Amy sitting where Adi sits usually.

"May I take over this spot? Rose and I like to brainstorm project ideas together." She called to the teacher, and he gave a quick nod.

Amy smiled happily and turned to me.

"Any word from Adi since the breakup?" And I shook my head.

"I saw him in Walmart, he looks rough." She added in, and I groaned.

"Amy, if I hear you talk about Adi one more time I will have your head." I sighed, and he nodded, walking over to grab a big cardboard piece for the project.

Then Adi walked in, his eyes shooting right to me. Amy glared at him, taking a seat back in front of me and we looked over our portfolio.

"I will print stuff out, you glue it on." I said, and she nodded.

Amy knew that I had probably already planned out what to print.

Our project was to make a report on the colonial times, and ours was how hard a Womans' life is.

Printing 20 pages out to cut out and choose, I walked to the office. Right after I exited the classroom, I could hear someone else fidget out.


Walking down the hall, I turned to the office and walked to the back where the printer was.

I saw Adi, waiting patiently behind me.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a low voice, and I nodded.

"Just trying to grab my papers." I said with a sigh.
"Rose, I meant about our breakup.

"What? Am I not supposed to be okay with you just dropping me like a rock? After you had sex with me? After all of our memories and all we went through?" I said softly, no emotions mixed up in my voice. Grabbing my papers, I looked right into his eyes.

No tears, no hesitations.

"Of course I am okay with it!" I chimed fakely, dropping a smile to a frown and walking back to class.


I was studying for my Algebra II, trying to find out how to evade getting caught in a tough question.

Math came easily to me, but some equations took me longer then they should.

I heard a small noise from the corner, and turned my head to see Adi walking in.

"Hey." He said softly, and I groaned.

"Adi, listen buddy. When you break up with a girl, that usually means all ties are cut off with her." I threw my head back in frustration.

"I thought I would bring you tea, since you're studying." He didn't get my hint.

What an asswipe.

"Fine." I said, snatching the tea from his hand and sitting back down, putting the binder back on my lap and going over the equation.

"Oh, you're doing polynomial fractions? I can help if you need it...." He offered.

"Fine." I only accepted because this was getting nowhere, plus, I needed help.

For the next hour, Adi helped me with my studying and I actually learned a ton from it.

It was merely 4:30pm when we stopped.

Stuffing my stuff in my bag, I snatched my phone and escaped to go throw my empty tea cup away.

"Thanks for the help." I said with no emotion to Adi, who was following me out of the library.

"No problem." He called, as we split paths and I went towards the parking lot to drive home.


s c r e a m

that took me two days to write

when you have writers block, it literally feels like your inspiration is being clogged by some evil dude in your brain

idk what to do give me some inspiration below xx


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