* Forty Three *

667 19 8

"Here is your order."  The clerk smiled towards me and handed the to-go bag full of chinese food.

We didn't feel like pizza, and it was getting dark out and the closest place was down the shore in the dock town, it was a small chinese place.

"Thank you!" I called before exiting the store.

"Hey." Adi said and I merely dropped the bags I was holding out of fright.

"Don't do that." I chuckled and he looked guilty.

"Sorry! Katrina told me to walk you back since it's getting dark." He said and I felt butterflies in my stomach. 

No, Rosie, you can't be getting butterflies.

"Thanks." I said quickly, trying to hide my obvious flushed cheeks and cute smile.

"So how is senior year?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Good, I am applying for scholarships in 2 months." I smiled and he gasped.

"Really? I bet you'll get tons, I already have one offer from California Tech." He shrugged and I shook my head in disbelief.

"There is no way!" I said in a shocked tone.

"Yep, they looked over my grades and offered me a 2 year scholarship in three majors." He bragged and I scoffed.


"Probably because this super special girl helped me study." He elbowed me back into reality and I partly ignored him on purpose.

"Wow, she does sound super special." I bragged with a sneaky smirk and he chuckled.

"Yeah, she was super special......well, still is." He smiled to himself and I bit my lip.

"You should totally go for her, she sounds like a keeper." I replied and looked into his eyes as my feet hit the sand.

"Yes, our food!" Howled the group, and our eyes disconnected.

I took a seat next to where Adi was sitting and Katrina leaned in close.

"So, anything happen?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Some old sparks, but nothing important." I said with a soft sigh.

She nodded and scooted back to her spot.

"We should stay here for the night, it'll be fun." Beau said and I shook my head.

"Are you crazy? Isn't it illegal?" I raised a brow.

"No, you weenie, it's a public beach! C'mon, live a little!" Jessica heaved and I growled under my breath.


I took a deeep breath and took in the air.

"Going for a walk?" Adi called and I nodded, a little off from the group.

"Just need some fresh air from the fresh air." I winced, knowing he might get a little offended.

"Yeah, the group doesn't seem to be very observant of others, we're kinda left out." He sighed.

"Yeah..." I said as we walked and sat by the shore.

"I wish every night could be like this...."I trailed off, looking to the night sky and hearing the water lap up to my feet.

Feeling the cool waters peel onto my legs and feet, I took a deep breath.

"Adi, I am sorry for how I was." I said softly and slowly, making sure he knew I truly was.

"I am too, I had no right to assume anything. It was a bit ago, so let's just put it behind us, okay?" He asked and I nodded.

I felt like being friends with him was impossible, there was no friends with someone you truly loved.

It wasn't like I wanted to kiss him all of the time or something a hormonal teen would pry at, but I felt like everytime we got close, it was romantic.

Some peoploe you couldn't be just friends with, and that was okay.

Maybe Adi was my soulmate.


wow i am corny 

this took so long to write because i hate writing with a writers block

sorry if some words seemed repetitive, it's only because i literally have so much going on rn that i just- yeah 

- charissa 

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