* Thirteen * [Part 2/2]

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please make sure to vote because i want adi to see this thanks!! :D


My eyes drifted off to the board while my AP English teacher spoke. I was thinking about that girl. She wouldn't actually try that, would she?

"Rose? Rose.........ROSE!" My English teacher said, and I looked up to kids staring at me.

"Yeah?" I asked sweetly, and he pointed to the board.

"What's wrong with this sentence?" He asked.

"Aunt isn't capitalized if there is an and next to it." I said and he nodded.

"Good. Test prep is on Monday, bring your notebook and make sure to donate to the foundation on your way out of school! Even a few dollars will help!" He said, all of us collecting our books and entering the hallway.

I loved Mr Freeman, he always let us our early.

I walked to my locker and the bell rang, all of the kids flooding out of their classes.

Before long, I was packed up and I closed my locker when arms grabbed my arms.

I jumped and turned around to Adi.

"Hey." I said and kissed his lips, little pecks before we smiled at each other.

"Wanna go to my place and watch movies?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Let me just go to the bathroom." Adi said, jogging towards the bathroom. Before I could even take my eyes off of him, I was grabbed.

"I said to break up with him. I don't think you look at a friends' ass like that, Rose." Great, it was Poppy again.

"Get off of me." I said, shoving her arms off. They didn't come off, though.

Instead, she started to drag me.

"Get the f*ck off of me." I grunted, my feet sliding behind me as this petite girl was somehow pulling me down this hallway.

I could feel the stares as I was dragged down the hallway, tears running down my face and my feet dragging behind my body. "Let me go!" I screamed. Where the hell was Adi? How was this small freshman dragging me so fast?

"F*cking let me go!" I screamed again, the kids around me just staring as they sat at their lockers. Why the hell weren't they helping?

I felt so helpless, my ribs and sides feeling like fire. "For f*cks sake let me go!" I struggled again. I felt so......alone.

Before long, we reached the front doors of the school where she threw me out to a group of girls.

"So, we heard you didn't drop your little boy toy?" One of the girls spat in my face, and I groaned.

I sat up and I was at least 2 inches taller than most of these girls.

"I'm not gonna drop Adi so that a girl who faked a pregnancy can get back together with him." I scoffed and turned around.

One of them grabbed my shoulder, whipped me around and punched me.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I could hear a teacher yell, running out and seeing the girl.

"Daisy Edderman! To the office! Now!" The teacher yelled, Daisy walking towards the office while I held my face.

"Are you okay?" Amy ran up, holding my jaw and I teared up.

"Shh, it's okay." Amy rubbed my back and Adi walked out.

"What happened?" Adi rushed up to me full-on crying.

"Poppy happened." Amy scoffed, looking at Adi.

"Your ex is batsh*t. You don't bother Rose, you don't get near her because obviously all you care about is her body." Amy said loudly, and Adi looked so hurt.

No, Amy! That's not true!

I couldn't talk, my jaw hurt too bad.

Adi turned around and rushed towards the back of the building where he was parked.

Amy walked me to the nurse's office where I was handed an ice pack and some Tylenol.

"Rose?" The principal asked, and I nodded and walked with him to his office.

He sat down and nodded, Amy in the background.

"Can you talk?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay, so this was Daisy Edderman, correct?" He asked, picking up a file.

I shook my head.

"It was Poppy AND Daisy. Poppy dragged me out and verbally assaulted me many times before Daisy actually punched me." I explained while trying to bear the pain of my jaw.

"Okay, good. We have reports saying Poppy did this and one of the teachers stopped Daisy and sent her here. Both are planned to be suspended, if not expelled. Sound good?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I apologize for their actions, I will see you two on Monday. Your parents will be notified, I will have a meeting with them if they feel it's necessary." He said, staring at me through his reading glasses.

I stood up and he shook my hand, my other hand occupied with holding the ice pack to my face.

"I'll drive you home." Amy said. Amy had recently gotten her license and had driven me home many times before.

"Amy....Adi and I didn't have sex." I said, and he turned around to me while we walked.

"What? I thought you two did!" She said with a shocked glare.

"Well, we kinda did but I freaked out because of when I was 13." I said, and she grumbled.

"Great, now I feel like an a**hole." She smacked her leg and clenched her fists.

"It's fine, I will talk to Adi later. It's not your fault." I nodded, and she frowned.

"Yeah, it is. I have had so many relationships and this is one of your firsts, and now I f*cked it up." Amy was mad at herself and I understood but I didn't want her to be mad at herself.

"Amy, you are literally my best friend. You were there when I was assaulted, you were there when my mom almost died, you were there through my very first and quick breakup, and now you're here through this. You only did it because you wanted to protect me, and I am sorry if I didn't say anything but seriously, it's no big deal." I said with a sweet voice, and she nodded.

"I love you, Rose." She fist bumped me and we drove towards my house.

I got out and waved to Amy, grabbing my books and backpack and walking into my home.

Before I could even set my bag down in the front entrance, my mom was right in front of me.

"You got into a fight!?" She screamed with an angry look.

Well, crap.


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