* Forty Eight *

566 19 3

Rosie's POV


Who did Adi think he was? I was truly pissed off at him for even assuming I was into Beau, or he was into me.

I just wanted for people to stop making dating such a big deal. Have they ever heard of GPAs and getting into decent colleges?

I guess love wasn't such a big distraction for people my age, it was more of a part of their life. They all needed someone in their life that cared for them, or needed them.

I understood that, but what was so important about dating? They could have a best friend!

I just wish Adi wasn't so protective.


It was so awkward, the table was silent and Beau had gone to the bathroom.

"Did Adi say something about Beau? Because it feels like he did. I can sense it!" Kat said with a stupid and goofy stare, and I shrugged.

"Yeah, I did, but she took it as an offense." Adi said with an attitude, sipping his water cup and then coffee.

"Because you're always in my dating life." I shot back with a glare and Adi looked partly hurt.

"Because he cares." Kat said with a quick sympathetic glance towards Adi.

"Then stop caring." I said softly to Adi and he grasped my arm and looked deep into my eyes. Pretty sure he was exchanging glances with my soul right now.

"I will never stop caring for you, Rose." He said and I felt the emotions from our relationship pile in.

"T-then don't." I replied out of emotion, and he could see I was feeling differently about him.

It was like a train switching onto the right track. I tried to shut the feelings out, but Adi's brown eyes made my heart give away.

"You guys good?" Kat asked, stuffing some muffin into her mouth.

"Fine....listen, I have to go home to let my dog out. I will talk to you guys later." I said as Beau sat back down and walked out.

Driving home, I felt like breaking down.

I couldn't, I was driving. Why was I like this?

I pulled over on the side of the road and put my hands on the wheel and slammed into it, my horn honking as the passing cars sped up and slowed down at the light.

I began sobbing, my choking cries drowned out with the radio that I tried to turn up.

My phone began ringing and I held it up.

Who the hell was calling?

Quietly collecting myself, I wiped my face from the tears and coughed into my arm.

"H-hello?" I said softly into the phone, turning down the radio.

"Rosie, why are you crying?" It was Adi.

"I'm not crying." I said with a convincing growl.

"I can tell when you have just cried, Rose." He said and I broke down on the phone.

I was softly sobbing.

"I don't know why." I let loose and told him.

"Where are you?" He asked and I looked up.

"In the middle of the road on Bosborn." I read the road and seemed pathetic.

"You pulled over?" He chuckled and I nodded.

"I can hear you being embarrassed, stop it." Adi knew me.

"I'm not!" I protested, an obvious lie slipping from my ruby red lips.

"Just stay on the line, okay?" Adi asked and I nodded.

I got my emergency makeup wipes from my glove department and wiped my face clear of the drowsy makeup job from crying.

"Are you eating something?" He heard the container for the makeup wipes.

"No, they're makeup wipes." I said softly, and he chuckled.

"Listen, I will just see you later, okay?" I asked, over my little fit of crying.

"Wait, one more thing." I heard steps outside and Adi's voice.

Looking out the window, I saw Adi tap on my window with a confident and white smile.

"Howdy, stranger." I got out and hugged him.

We hugged for a good 2 minutes, just on the side of the road, hugging.

Totally fine, nothing suspicious.

I felt so at peace when I was in his arms.

I loved him.

I love procrastinating:)
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