* Thirty Three *

785 16 7

I am so sorry for not uploading consistently, it's been total hell at my house for the last few weeks with academics and such.

Thanks for being here to read :)
I rubbed Amy's back and watched her drink her smoothie while she watched Downtown Abbey.

"I can't believe i'm going to be a God Mother." I reminded her quietly and she smiled through her sipping.

"I can't believe you keep reminding me..." She said passive-aggressively.

I let out a stifled laugh. She watched this shoe a lot.

It had been almost 4 months since Adi's and I break up. Summer was approaching fast and so was exams.

Adi hadn't bothered me since, and I am pretty sure he had a new girlfriend.

"We should go shopping tomorrow for the baby. I got like $1,500 during my baby shower." Amy suggested and I nodded.

"Is your mom still ignoring you?" I asked, hoping her mom would come to her senses.

"Yep, ignoring her excuse for a daughter that got pregnant right before 17." She huffed and I scoffed.

"Just because you got pregnant doesn't mean you're a bad daughter, Amy...." I warned, and she sighed.

"Rose....I literally have to provide for a baby and attend school for another whole year. Taking care of a baby and getting good grades isn't very easy...." She trailed off.

"I'll help with the baby. What are you going to name it?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I am keeping the gender a secret from myself and family. I have to choose two names." She groaned and shut off the tv.

"I can help you choose if you want." I offered and she laid back onto my lap.

"Really? What do you have in mind?" She asked and I smiled at the window.

"Tanner has always been my personal favorite for a boys name. Or Ryan. Maybe Wesley?" I suggested and she didn't answer.

"Okay, for girls....how about something unique like Luna or Winter?" I asked and looked down to see her reaction.

Amy let out a soft snore, her lips quivering smoothly as she slept.

"O-oh." I whispered, slipping out from under her and stuffing a pillow in my place. I put a big blanket over her, and went up to her bed and laid down in it.

Tomorrow was the last day until spring break, and I couldn't wait to get out of it.
may do a time skip until senior year

new students
new drama
idk what do you guys think

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