Chapter 2 - Taking Chances

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*****AUTHOR'S NOTE*****

100 reads!!!! So here's chapter 2.

Another 100 before Monday will give you chapter 3!!! Hahaha!! I'm so evil

Hope you enjoy it ;)

~~~~~~Quote for the Chapter~~~~

Ignore the risk and take the fall,

If it's meant to be then it's worth it all

because in the end, we only regret

the chances we didn't take.


If you have never been failing, hurt, afraid, happy, sad, social, lonely, heartbroken or embarrassed, it means you never take any chances. If you never try, you will never know.

My motto in life is: Nothing tried, nothing done. (I tell myself that everyday)

Take a chance today.

XoXo Yani


"We're so proud of you hunny!" My mom said with tears in her eyes as she pulled me into a tight bear hug.

I then took turns hugging my dad and grandparents.

We all went out to eat. It was a civil occasion considering that my parents were divorced and leading different lives. My parents had issue, but stayed together to shelter me from their short comings. Now that I was older, my mom felt it was time. She divorced my dad and moved to New York at the beginning if my senior year.

I decided to stay with my dad and finish high school since it was my senior year. After I got accepted to NYU to pursue my degree in finance to become a financial analyst, I decided that I move to New York, right after graduation, flying back with my mom.

We ate and talked about my plans after college, how I wanted to study finance and where I wanted to work after I earned my degree.

By the time I got home, it was time to get ready for the graduation party that Bryce was hosting.

Cara and Quinn thought it best to come and get me dressed for the occasion, claiming that they needed to get me out of my comfort zone if I ever wanted a chance with Bryce.

But why would I want someone who doesn't want me for who I am. I just don't get girls sometimes. Yeah I really like Bryce, I may even secretly love him, but if he doesn't like the real me, then to hell with it. Anyways, I decided to go along with it out of curiosity.

My room door burst wide open and Quinn came walking in pulling a small carryon luggage. "Are you moving in?" I asked her.

"No silly. We decided to pack a couple of stuff to choose from for you to wear, as well as makeup and hair products, since you already shipped most of your stuff to your moms house." Quinn said walking in with Cara, not far behind.

We all went into my bathroom which was a decent size. I hopped in the shower and was done within ten minutes. The girls had everything all set up on the bathroom counter, I observed while drying myself. I felt scared that I would be out of my element.

"Sit, I will do your hair while Quinn does your makeup." Cara instructed dragging me to sit on the bench infront of the vanity mirror.

I sat and watched as they made me over. When they were finished, Quinn made me put my contacts in, and then I turned to look in the mirror.

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