Chapter 14 - The Calm

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~~~Question of the Chapter~~~

How do you love someone without getting hurt?


Feel free to answer :)

XoXo Yani.

(NB!! The last two chapters might need to be edited.  I will do that tonight or tomorrow. No need to point out errors. Enjoy!)


Raelynn's POV


The week went by at a slow pace as the kids and I got settled back into our routine.

I have been avoiding Quinn out of fear of Ethan showing up with her.

When I spoke to her earlier in the week, she had told me that after Ethan had followed her home, they had a heart to heart discussion and she realized how much they really do love each other.

She said she wouldn't be the one to tell him about the triplets but thinks the secret is becoming a little too much to hide anymore.

I couldn't agree more.

It's taking a toll on me, wondering everyday if I will open my door to the sight of Bryce or his brothers since they all now know where I live.

I trust Quinn but I really can't expect her to let this ruin her chance at love and true happiness.

I also can't expect her to keep us a secret if she plans to be with Ethan because it wouldn't be fair to keep her apart from the kids to avoid a run in with Ethan.

I know I need to come clean and tell Bryce but I just don't know how to. What if he decides to take them away or give me ultimatums?

What would I say?

Oh hey Bryce! Remember me? The girl you had drunk meaningless sex with once? Well ummmh yeah We made three babies that night and oh by the way, they are 5 Years old.

Yeah right!

I need coffee to get me through the last day of the work week, the weekend can't seem to get here fast enough.

All week I have been dealing with James or should I say Mr. Dawson trying to take me to go on a date and hitting on me.

Every time I walk by him he finds the need to rub his arms or shoulders against me.

Funny part about this situation is that we work on different floors in different departments but for some reason he's always on my floor.

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