Chapter 20 - Deja Vu?

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Raelynn's P.O.V

I immediately knew something was wrong when my arm went to cuddle Ryder and he wasn't there.

Tomar was cuddled into my chest but Ryder was missing.

There hasn't been one night that he hasn't slept with me since he started walking unless he wasn't home.

I slightly slid Tomar to the side trying not to wake her as I went in search of Ry.

I checked my bathroom, then his room and he wasn't there.

The sight before my eyes as I walked into the living room gave me mixed emotions.

Tears ran down my eyes as anger consumed me. I have dreamt of this moment for a long time but I told Bryce that I wanted us to talk about this before telling them.

What if he chooses to disappear next week and go back home to California, what do I tell the kids, especially if he decides later that four children are just too much for him. How will I explain that to the kids, they would be emotionally scarred.

I know the only way Ryder would be asleep on his chest with his fingers latched onto Bryce's lip, is only if he was told that Bryce is his dad.

Also is it fair to tell Ryder before Ryan and Rush? I don't agree. But judging by how happy they look sleeping together I couldn't interfere. I think I did enough of that since their birth.

As of this moment, what ever the kids thought of Bryce would be up to him.

I decided to go and make breakfast before waking them.

As soon as I was finished, I woke Rayin and Rush up and gave them a bath.

I wasn't ready to wake Ryder up because I am sure he would be telling them about their father and I wasn't finished preparing my mind for the answers to some of the question Rush might ask.

"Mom where is Ry Ry?" Asked Rayin as I help her to put her clothes on. Normally I give all three a bath at the same time.

"You'll see him soon hunny!" I looked to Rush who was finished getting dressed. " come here and sit next to your sissy so that mommy can talk to you." I told him.

He hesitated at first probably thinking he was in trouble.

I smiled, encouraging him to come and have a seat. As soon as he's seated I get it right out before I lose the courage to.

"Remember yesterday when you said that brother's and sister's have the same mommy and daddy. And I am Tomar's mommy and Tomar's daddy is your daddy also?" I pray I am not confusing them.

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