Chapter 21 - Cheater Peter?

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****Quote of the Chapter****

Cheating isnt always kissing,

touching, or flirting.

If you have to delete text messages

so that your partner won't see them,

you're already there.


We are all free to choose the choices that we make

but we are never free from the consequences.

XoXo Yani <3


Bryce's P.O.V.


"Where the baby at? You white boy must think I'm playing games with you!" She blew her cigarette in my face as I stood at her apartment door.

"Let me in Shantel! I don't have time for your games today, I think you've pissed me off enough for one night." I pushed the door open and brush past her entering the hole in the wall apartment. What the hell is she doing with all the money I gave her.

"Where my baby at nigga! I know you don't think ima let y'all rich bastards take my baby away!" She yelled closing the door and following me to the couch that looked more like it belonged in a dumpster.

The apartment was small, the kitchen had old Chinese take out cartons all over it and empty bottles of vodka. There were plates piling over in the sink, designer clothes and shoes thrown all around the living room and cigarette bud and ashes all over the coffee table and floor.

The TV was on but the only thing that kept moving across it was a notice for the cable bill to be paid.

I held my breath thinking how to sit on the filthy couch without catching an STD. I needed to deal with her for the sake of everyone.

I regret leaving Rae and the kids with no explanation but how was I to explain this? I couldn't, it would ruin my family.

After Rae and I both fell asleep, my phone started ringing and I tried to ignore it, but I didn't want to wake Rae and Ryder up.

I got it and left the room only to receive a text.

Shantel: Bring me my kid or all over the world your dirty secret goes. You got 5 hours! Can't wait to see your sexy ass ;)

I panicked to say the least.

First thing I did was to delete the text.

Not quite sure what she's capable of, I threw my clothes on, hopped in my car and was in my jet on my way to Atlanta, Georgia in less than an hour.

Before I could even sit I felt something run across my foot and I fell on the couch.

"And you call yourself a man! Puhleasee like the little rat gonna eat your foot. Pussy!" She hissed and walked I to the area she considers a kitchen. "You want some water?" She asked pulling a dirty glass out the sink.

Oh hell. She's trying to kill me.

"No thanks!" I scrunched up my nose just thinking about all the cockroaches that shitted in that glass. "What do you want Shantel? We both know you don't care about the baby! Do you even know what her name is?" I asked looking at her seriously hoping she would cut the bullshit and get to the point of what she was really up to. She looked at me stupidly.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now