Chapter 9 - Treasure

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~~~Song of the Chapter~~~

Give me your, give me your, give me your attention, baby

I gotta tell you a little something about yourself

You're wonderful, flawless, ooh, you're a sexy lady

But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else

I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine

Oh girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

-Bruno Mars

Today your flawless, why because I said so! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

XoXo Yani <3


My alarm went off and I opened my eyes.

I smiled.

The first thing I saw was my baby's face.

Ryder was secretly such a mama's boy and a big baby. Every night after I put them to bed, I would wake up to him cuddled up next to me.

I woke him up.

"Wake up my cuddle bug." I kissed all over his face until he opened his eyes.

He cuddled up into my chest and whispered "more minutes mommy." He's so silly. I'm mom to him when he wants to complain but I'm mommy when he wants something. Kids are just too funny.

I laid there playing with his blonde hair giving him five more minutes.

"Ok cuddle bug. You have to go to school today. And mommy has a big job thingy to go take care of." I tickled him and he jumped up laughing.

"If you go wake your brother and sister up, I' ll pay you a dollar?" I didn't even have to wait for an answer before he ran out the room and into his room yelling at Rush to get up, then Rayin.

I got them dressed and made breakfast, leaving them to eat while I got ready really fast because I don't trust them by themselves.

I took a shower and straightened my hair, then put on a skirt suit and light make up. I packed my briefcase and the kids backpacks and lunch bags and we all headed out to my old 2000 ford SUV. I bought it right before the kids were born because that was the only way I was going to be able to transport them all around.

I opened the back door and they all jumped into their booster seats. I made sure they were buckled in before I got in and head out to their school.

They were all quiet, I guess they were nervous, something they seemed to have gotten from me. I pulled up to the school and got all their stuff. I opened the door and let them out, handing each one their belongings as they got out.

Some of the parents stopped and stared, which could only be because of two reasons, either they've never seen identical triplets before or they were wondering what a young 23 year old like myself was doing with three kids. I'm so used to it.

"Ok guys lets go, because mommy has to get going." Rush and Rayin held onto my legs shaking their heads no and started to cry, while Ryder just stood there. Please not today I begged looking up to the sky.

I stooped to their eye level and gathered all three of them in front of me. "Listen up! Mommy needs your help. Do you think you could be big kids today for mommy? If you can I promise we can go to chuck-e cheese this weekend." I bribed them.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now