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I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving.  I am truly thankful for you all!

I just want to say something really fast.

I write sometimes 3 chapters at once which is roughly 40-45 pages (I do 10-15 pages per chapter).  After writing that much back to back, the last thing I want to do is sit and read it over at 3 or 5 a.m, especially with it still fresh on my mind, the story is in my head so I over look mistakes.  SOOOO I decided to edit in the end and pointed that out maybe 20-30 chapters ago. However, I still appreciate those who point out my mistakes, because so I had no idea that I made.

Someone pointed out that I wrote two different age for Evania and I hadn't even  noticed that I went from 3 to 4 years old, so please forgive me.  I responded to the person and I guess she felt I was being sarcastic or Rude but I was truly happy that she pointed that out for me.  I was schocked that I made such a huge mistake.

The response I recieived after I responded  was not appreciated. (0_o)

I don't pay you guys to sit and read my work so I would never ever be means and don't ever plan to be no matter what.  Also, you guys don't pay me to write and I have a super hectic life. But I love writing for you guys, it gives me great pleasure to see the requests for updates and the personal messages. I do it for you all, my motivators.

Please lets just be respectful to one another.  This will be my first and last address on this issue! ever!!! I hate ranting.  

All rude comments will be deleted and ingored after today.

School is enough of a pain in my buttttt! Let's just stay positive.

Live, Love, Laugh and enjoy the 3 part epilogue. ;)

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