Chapter 32 - Wake Me Up

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Hi my lovely readers! I know I took forever to update, I won't even bore you with my excuses, just know that school is back in full swing and I only slept for 1 hr last night because I had so many assignments to do after I got home from work.

Are you back in school? If so what is your passion or your major? And how is school going?

I'll try to get all the chapters done by next week. I'll update again tomorrow since I'm off :)

~~Song of the Chapter~~

Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart

I can't tell where the journey will end

But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream

Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes

Well that's fine by me

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

                - Avicii :)


Evan's P.O.V.


It's been 4 days since we arrived in Frankfurt, Germany, learned of Bryce's comatosed state and his married life.

Oh and did I mention that my mother tried to kill Bryce's wife?

I knew she would have been angry when she found out about his marriage but I must admit that I have never seen my mother that enraged before.

She had stormed into Shantel's room with eyes blazing and steam coming from her nostrils.

I was scared to say the least, as much as I thought shantel was beautifully broken and wanted to help her, she was already half dead, so I just silently backed myself in the corner out of my mother's eyes to save my own ass from her fury. She was already looking me as if to say "what are you doing sitting by her bed"! So I moved away as fast as I could.

Blah blah, I know it was messed up but this is Bryce mess to clean up, not mine.

As much as I would have liked to help her, she was really half dead, the doctors said there hadn't been any brain activity, the total opposite of Bryce, who moved his right arm twice two days after the accident.

Anyways, when my mother started to advance towards shantel, I simply backed so far into the corner, that it wasn't until I heard Ethan's voice yelling at mom that she couldn't choke Shantel to death, that I opened my eyes, only to find that I had unconsciously hid myself behind the curtains in the far corner.


I straightened up when I caught Ethan prying our mothers hands from around shantels neck and glancing at me accusingly.

As soon as he had expelled her grip, he pulled her to him, hugging her to his chest, rubbing her back reassuringly try to calm her down.

He then glared at me.

"Why didn't you do something? Mother is over here killing the poor girl and you do nothing? Were you really hiding Ev?" He snapped.

"Me? Hide? Never! I was simply not trying not to make myself an accessory or conspirator  to murder. The less I saw, the better, so I just figured I would look out the window!" I  lied trying my best to sound convincing.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now