Chapter 34 - Goodbye Fear

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Good morning sunshine!!!

9/24/14 @7:23 am central time.

I havnt slept yet, I wasn't tired but now my eyes are shutting and I'm typing rubbish.

please forgive my errors, I'll edit later.

so I'll just post what I have so far! next chap I already wrote months ago. I have go back and reedit it now to fit the story. it shouldn't take long. I'll post it either today or friday after my exam.

Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!!!


Raelynn's P.O.V.


I woke up feeling nauseous but I didn't feel the urge to vomit at the moment. There was just the constant bland but bitter taste in my mouth and my stomach feels weird.

Mmh, maybe that's what woke me up.

Then I heard it, whispering, and realize that must have been what had woken me up.

"Move Ry! I'm laying next to mommy!"

"No you move you stupid doo doo head! I lay next to mommy!"

"No you move you scaredy pee bed baby!"

"I don't pee my bed!"

"Yes you pee bed Ry! I saw you hide your blanky and brief under the bed! Move or I'm telling daddy when he comes home!"

I stop listening to them fight when I heard them mention Bryce.

Is it wrong to say I still miss him after all he did? After all the lies he told?

I still love him.

Trust me I wish I didn't.

But you just don't snap your finger and fall out of love with someone.

Who am I kidding anyways, I've always loved him.

But loving someone or something doesn't mean it's what's best for you.

It's like candy. It's so sweet and lovable but it can gradually kill you. It tears you down slowly and you often don't realize how serious it is until its too late. First it starts with weight gain, then nutrients deficiencies,  tooth decay,  diabetes, obesity and then by the time you realize its too late, you're battling with osteoporosis or some heart disease.

Bryce is my candy, my kryptonite.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now