Chapter 28 - Coping

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OK! it's 5:52 AM! My phone battery is about to die. I'm going to bed! I have to be at work in a bit! I guess Starbucks will be my Bestie today!

Have a great day you guys!!

Ghost readers!! vote and comment!!


Ethan's P.O.V.

I know Evan said that we needed head to the airport but I can't even move right now.

I sat on the edge of the bed letting the tears fall on the carpet as I hang my head.

Raelynn has been asking all week long everytime we see each other if I spoke to Bryce and if he's OK.

I promised her he was fine and just busy.

How am I going to wake her up at 3:47 a.m. in the morning to tell her I lied?

How will I tell my niece's and nephew's their dad is not OK?

He was in a fatal car accident!

He might not make it?

Daddy might not be coming home?

You might never see your daddy again?

Even though we're three years older than Bryce you would never be able to tell.

He was always the more mature one, the sound mind, our voice of reasoning, our therapist, our counselor, our confidant, our boss, our referee when we fight, our backbone, our keeper, our big little brother.

Sometimes he even acts like he's our father.

"E! Babe? What's wrong?" I forgot that Quinn was even here.

I felt her move up to the edge of the bed and wrap her arms around me from behind, resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Ethan please talk to me. Why are you crying?" She asked in a sleepy concerned voice.

I pulled her in my lap and buried my face in her chest as I let the sobs out that I have be trying to contain desperately.

I know I need to pull it together before I go and talk to Rae, this is not something you call and tell her over the phone while she's home alone with four kids and no one to console her.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now