Chapter 24 - Perfectly Imperfect

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~~Quote of the Chapter~~

The past is to prove that no one is perfect,

the future is to prove that people can change.

Everyone with a future has a dark past.


Who are we to judge? The futureless?

Judging a person says a lot about you, not them, that’s your first flaw.

Your flaws make you different from the next John and Jane done.

XoXo Yani -


Bryce’s P.O.V.


I hope Raelynn didn’t come out of her room last night at any point to see what I was walking around doing.

As soon as I was finished, I went and spoke to Rush.

“Hey Bud!” I said brushing my hand through his hair.

“Daddy?” He asked in a sleep filled voice opening his eyes. “Wus Wrong?”

“Daddy has to go away for a while, I need you to be a big boy for me and take care of your sister’s ok?” I’m trying really hard to build a relationship with Rush, it’s like he can read me better than anyone else.  He even seems to know when I’m not being honest with them.

Yesterday I told them the tooth fairy is real and for Rayin to put her tooth under the pillow. Rush refused to talk to me until I told Rayin that their is no tooth fairy.

“Where you going? Are you coming back?” He asked.

I wouldn’t dare lie to him again. I just hope he won’t tell his mother.

“I’m going to Germany!  But you have to pinky promise you won’t tell your mommy! It’ our secret ok bud?” He stuck his pinky out and smiled, I just hope he kept his promise.

“Love you kiddo!” I kissed his head and tucked him back in.

I then went and kissed a sleeping Tomar and Rayin before I left.

As soon as I got into my truck, I called my assistant and had him put together a surprise I have been planning for Rae in the morning along with some flowers and a note. 

I then called my pilot and told him to full the plane up on fuel and have it ready.  I arrived at the penthouse and my mother was sleeping so I left her a note, saying I have to go out of the country to handle some business and to help Rae with the kids whenever she can.

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