Chapter 5 - Was it worth it?

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***********Author's Note**********

So I normally type from my phone. However, today I decided to get on my laptop and for some strange reason, the chapters are shorter on here, but look longer on my phone.

mmmmhhh o_O.....(slow moment) lol

I will work on that.

Anyways. Yesterday (4/21/14) I uploaded Chapter 4 and said I would upload Ch. 5 after 50 reads to be nice.

Butttttttt I came on and I saw that I actually got 116 reads instead of 50 that means you should get 2 chapters right?

Muahahahahah nope I'm going to be evil ;)

Hope you enjoy chapter 5! I will upload 6 after 50 or reads or by Friday, I promise this time!

Thank you in advance for reading.

~~~~Quote for the Chapter~~~~~

Sometimes the hardest thing

and the right thing are the same.


Today, do something right no matter hard it may seem.

XoXo Yani


"Rae? What's wrong you never made it to English class this morning. I have been texting and calling you. I figured I would come and check on you before I go to my next class. Are you still feeling like crap?" Quinn asked, leaning forward and checking my temperature by feeling my forehead with the back of her hand.

I groaned and turned over. Pulling the sheet over my head and facing the wall.

"I really think you should go see the doctor. You're a bit warm and you've been like this for three days now. You haven't even been eating. I'm not taking no for an answer, I think you might be coming down with the flu." Quinn cooed at me softly.

I couldn't even get angry at her.

"Ok." I agreed.

I got dressed and Rae looked up a doctor, made an appointment and called a cab for us.

When we got to the doctor's office, there was only one person ahead of me. While she went into to see the doctor, the nurse had me fill out all the paper work, checked my weight, height, blood pressure and took blood from my finger.

Fifteen minutes later the nurse sent me back to see the doctor.

"Good afternoon Ladies. My name is Doctor Klavosi." He said extending his hand to both Quinn and I as we introduce ourselves. He told Quinn to have a seat in the corner and for me to lay on the examination table so he could examine me.

He checked my eyes and asked about how I had been sleeping, he touched areas of my body and asked if they hurt. I felt like my entire body was aching so everywhere he touched I told him hurt.

Don't think I was much help there.

The nurse came in and brought my chart and handed it to him.

He read over it and asked when was the last time I had my period?

I told him I wasn't sure because I had an irregular cycle, sometimes it came twice in one month and sometimes it just doesn't come for a month or two.

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