Disclaimer -PLEASE READ

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Please Read before you read anymore of my work.

DISCLAIMER: The material in this book is in no form, mean or way meant /intended to insult or offend any of a certain race, age, gender, nationality, sexuality or religion. Please be mindful that anything said, done, portrayed or implied by these fictional character's is done so for character development; to give the readers a visual and better insight to the characters personality etc. The dynamics and opinions of these characters in no way imply, verify, or validify the opinions, views and beliefs of the author.

If you feel something is offensive then I would have to advise you that either you are simply reading too much into it, it wasn't intentional or you just simply wanted it to offend you. Like I said the characters are fictional, it is a fictional story, a story meant for pleasure, therefore, it is obvious that insult is the least of intentions.

Elena mention of Mormons was just apart of her being overdramatic. Even then, it is not her belief to engage in multiple marriages. So it is just the characters belief and opinion, not anything meant to offend anyone, just an exaggeration that she strongly disagree with her son's actions.

As a result, to dissolve any unsettle or uprising conflict, it will be deleted, as I would rather update the next chapters than write disclaimers.

P.S. If your a Mormon or have several wives, then more power to you. If you want to have your own village, then so be it. That's your belief, your entitled to it and no one can take that away from you. I have a uncle that has two wives and a couple of kids

*shrugs that's his business*  \('_')/  IDC!

Thank You for reading.




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