Chapter 40 - Going Home

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Shantel's P. O. V.


"Don't be scared of us." Ms. Elena tells me as soon as Bryce leaves. "He's right you know, we are family. I'm really sorry for how I behaved even though you were unconscious and probably don't remember but I was a bit irrational if I may put it that way. I wish we had learned of you and all the secrets earlier but the past is this past! Let's move forward and not dwell on it."

" I would would really like that Ms. Elena!" I said. It feels truly awesome to be accepted for who you I am, secrets, past and all.

"Oh no darling. It's just Elena!" She puffs her hair up and boobs. "This single old bird is about to get her groove back" she winks.

"Ok mom stop! That's just sick." Ethan complains. Evan was still just standing by the door looking at me. I felt unraveled under his gaze.

"What will be sick is when I bring home a new daddy for you boys! So you better hush. The first one wasn't man enough, I hope the second will be and if he isn't well the third one will just be a charm."

"Well this is tea some really good!" I said in a drinking motion with my hand and mouth.

"What tea?" Elena ask really confused.

"Well that's just what people say when someone says something that's none of their business." I explained.

"Well you need to throw that tea away because as far as I'm concerned you're my granddaughter, that means he will be your granddaddy. Its all of your business." She is crazy, but I like her spirit. She's not letting what her husband did keep her from living. I wish I had her strenght.

"Mom!" Ethan whined.

"Ok fine! But Shantel, I think once you get discharged it will be best for you to come and stay with me. I have a huge house and no company. I think we could be good for each other and help each other heal in ways others will never understand since this secret will only be told for the last time next week in court, then we are free of it." She tells me.

"I don't know Elena, are you sure that you're going to be fine with that?"  I ask unsure.

"Yes child! It's settled! I will speak to Bryce about it. He has a lot on his plate and I'm sure he has a room for you at his house, but he's unstable right now trying to find a footing with Raelynn and the kids. So it's best if you stay with me." She smiled.

"Ok. Thank you Elena, I really appreciate it. I'm sure it will be nice."

They stayed for over two hour, Ethan and Elena talked to me the entire time about any and everything, I felt so at ease with them and the conversation just flowed. Evan still just sat there playing with his bandaged hand and staring out the window.

"I'm hungry. I think I'm about to go grab some food. You guys coming or do you want me to bring you back something?" Ethan asked them.

"I'll come because I'm not sure what I want." Elena said getting up.

"Evan?" Ethan asked.

"No, I'm cool!" That was the first time I heard him speak. His voice had that base that even catches even a dog attention when he speak.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now