Chapter 38 - The Ugly Truth

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Sorry I took so long, I wrote this chapter months ago before I wrote the story had to end up rewriting it so it could flow better.  

NOTE BEFORE: The past is in italics, so please don’t confuse it with the present.

Hope you enjoy as I finally go eat my combination fried rice. So yummmmmmyyyyy! lol


Whoever said the truth isn’t lied.  

The truth is ugly,

and it hurts.


“A rose, isn't quite as beautiful as it once was, when after its thorn pricks you.”

― Anthony Liccione



Ethan's P.O.V.



I watched my mother as her eyes kept going from Bryce to the exit every second.

Then they stop and focus on the exit.
She looks like a person who is about to bolt out of here. I don't blame her. This is a lot.

Now her husband didn't rape a minor but instead he had consensual sex with her?

I don't even know which is worst.

She got up and took off in the direction of the door to head inside. Only thing is she tripped over the foot of the chair and fell onto Evan.

"Mom! Are you ok?" Evan asked holding her up right. "What are you doing, are you trying to kill yourself?"

I picked her chair up and placed it back on its four feet.

She looks at me. "I know what you're trying to do. Just sit down mom. At some point we have to face reality. This is reality." I patted the seat for her to sit down.

She sat.

"This is killing me." She mumbles sadly.

I wish I could tell her to go, but she needs to hear everything Bryce has to say just like we all do. Our world of oblivion as we've all know it is already over.

Welcome to the cold world.

"So let's clarify something first that we all failed to asked. I know she had to have been a minor for you to have adopted her, but how young are we talking about here?" I ask Bryce.

"Shantel is now 18 years old, she will be 19 come fall. I adopted her when she was 16." He answers.


"Damn she looks so much older." Evan mumbled now looking embarrassed. I hope that teaches him to control his hormones. Looks are deceiving. I'm surprised he hasn't learned that yet.


Mom looks like she wants to cry again as she sat quietly.


"So dad was smashing a 16 year old, and got her pregnant?" I can't believe this. I drop my face in my hands. Quinn is rubbing my back in support but I think I need more than a back rub.


"Will you all just stop!" Bryce yelled and I sat up in bewilderment.


The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now