Chapter 16 - Eye of the Storm

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Raelynn's P.O.V.

I sat on a bench texting Cara as the kids ran around in the indoor playground.

We've been here for maybe an hour now after Rush got his fill of the dinosaurs.

Starting tomorrow I am finding a NASA space center to take him to. I think I can deal with him going crazy over stars instead of these huge ugly lizards!

This dinosaur obsession was becoming too much for me as well as Rayin, who started crying upon seeing the teeth and Rush telling her that it eats other dinosaurs and possibly people.

Rayin and Ryder were more in their element as soon as we got to the playland.

I looked up and saw Ryder and Rush running through the tunnels, while Rayin was on the swing with a another little girl, I guess seeing who could go higher.

It was a miniature swing so I wasn't really concerned. Her feet barely left the ground so I am not really sure what their definition of high was but it worked in my favor.

I look back down to see Cara's response and laugh.

"Mommy" I groan. I'm only called mommy when they need something or did something that would upset me. Which could it be now. Let's hope its not the latter.

I looked up from my phone to see two angelic smiles mirroring each other.

This could be bad.

"Yes?" I respond cautiously.

"Can we have pizza and soda?" Rush asked.

"Chocolate Ice-cream?" Ryder threw in.

Mhhhh. Could have been worst. I actually thought they did something bad and came to tell me before I found out so I wouldn't be mad.

"Not all three! Maybe one!" I told them.

They both seem to be in deep thought then Ryder responds.

He counts to three on his fingers, then puts one finger back down.

He held his two fingers up to me. "How about this much? That's not lots!" He beamed like he won the spelling bee.

Sometimes it pays to be smart, sometimes its a pain.

"OK fine." I agreed to get rid of them. I was enjoying my break catching up with Cara while they played. I really wanted to call her but with all the kids screaming, it was just too loud so I continued to text.

"Yayyy! I go tell sissy!" Rush yelled running off with Ryder walking after him still counting his fingers.

Cara continued to tell me about her boyfriend David and how she thinks she might be in love.

I was about to respond when I heard a child wailing like they stole her puppy.

I looked around until I saw a little girl and crying by the slides and Rayin sitting there looking guilty.

Oh no! Don't tell me Rayin hurt that child.

I stood up to walk over there but I stopped moving when I saw none other Bryce picked the little girl up.

What the hell?

Rayin stood up and a woman appeared at his side looking like a stepford wife.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now