Chapter 23 - Let's Start Over

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Chapter 23

Soooo someone commented on the last chapter and asked “why don’t you just write the book and get it over with!”  o_O   I wasn’t going to comment because I find rude and negative people to be irrelevant and unnecessary.  But FYI: I have a job, I attend school fulltime and have assignments, I am helping a friend co-write a script for his movie, I have to eat and sleep and I don’t get paid to do this! I also write this story from my head, there is no plot, my brain just kicks on and off. Should I keep going?

ok didn’t think so. -__-

oh and if you think this story is too emotional and heartwrenching? So is life! (Shrugs) \[^_^]/

If its too much for you then please stop reading because more chapters are still left to come and I have no idea what they will hold.

If Anyone has anything else negative to say, please put it in a bottle and throw it in the ocean, maybe someone bored in another country looking for bottled messages will care. eeehhhh don’t see that happening. bahahahah! {^_^}

Anyways, I love all of you and I am genuinely happy and appreciative for your support. Thank you. I aim to please you all, this story is for you. I really hope you like it. Hopefully I can get 3 updates done today.

~~~Quote of the Chapter~~~

Maybe it’s not always  about trying to fix something broken,

Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something new.


If you want to start the next chapter of your life,

then you have to give up re-reading the same old one.

Today I dare you to turn a page in your book!!

XoXo Yani-


Raelynn’s P.O.V.


I'm happy that Bryce opened up to me a couple days ago.

It wasn't easy hearing everything he had to say but it brought me great clarity.

I also felt bad for automatically assuming the worst but we made an agreement to leave the past in the past since we both came clean with each other.

We now planned to focus on the present.

Currently we have been working on Rush. He seems to be very skeptical about his father for some unknown reason, he says its because he thinks Bryce makes me cry, but I think it might be a little deeper.

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