Chapter 6 - Two Surprises, One Night

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~~~~~Quote of the Chapter~~~~~
The glory of motherhood comes
camouflaged in so much chaos
sometimes the most shocking surprises
are also the most beautiful surprises.
                                              -Lori Wilhite

Embrace a surprise today, don't run away from it.

XoXo Yani


Cara left and went back to Texas after the break and Quinn and I went back to campus.

The school was allowing me to keep my scholarship and take the rest of my classes online for the spring semester.

I was relieved for that but I was still unsure.

How would I be able to care for twins, work and keep up with my school work? I just had no freaking clue.

I have been reading what to expect when expecting but knowing and actually doing something is not the same. I'm going to be a terrible mom.


Christmas came and Quinn went home for two weeks to vist her parents since she spends every moment with my mom and I since moving here.

She was planning to be back soon though so we could go watch the ball drop on New Year's Eve, even though I was as huge as a watermelon. I think I really just didn't want to leave me alone for too long.

We spent most of our time at home when we didn't have class or Quinn didn't have a date or something planned with her new friends.

I didn't really get a chance to make friends. I was so sick in my first trimester and tired that I mostly stayed in my room when not in class. Then I was too pregnant to go partying and do everything else that normal freshman year students do.

Yeah, I talked to people in class but that was about it. I had more important things to worry about now than fun.

I guess that was the first step in growing up. Getting your priorities right.

But Quinn mostly gave up her social life for me, regardless of my protest. She just kept vowing to be there for me because she couldn't even imagine how I was feeling inside. which was true.

I blame it all on those brakedowns I tend to have but I just think it's my hormones that's making me so emotional.

When I'm not crying about being a terrible mom, my children being fatherless or losing them, I am crying about my broken heart.

Yes its been months so I should be over him, but it clearly didn't seem like that was going to happen.  I still loved him but I hated him more than anything. It's like I just couldn't choose one of those feelings.

I hated him for how he treated me and other women but I loved him because he was my first and mostly because he helped to create my little monsters.

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