Chapter 44 - Epilogue Pt. 1 of 3

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Multimedia of Rae and Bryce Above :)


Raelynn's P.O.V.


"Lynn I swear to you that if he ever hurts you, I will shove my foot so far up in that area where the grass doesn't grow and the sun doesn't shine. He will regret the day he ever laid eyes on you." My dad says looking very serious. "I love my grandchildren with everything in me, but no more babies! The two of you are multiplying like rodents. You're still very young, go see the world and do the things that make you happy! Ok? And no matter what you will always be my baby girl. I always and only want what's best for you and whatever makes you happy."

I nod. Too choked up to speak. I get what he's saying, I had the triplets right out of highschool, I never got to live those years but I would never change anything, I have no regrets, my children makes me happy, there is no me without them.

While everyone else my age was partying away, getting shit faced, sleeping around and enjoying college life, I was at home taking care of three kids and working graveyard shifts.

Do I regret it?

No! Never!

If I could go back in time and do it differently, would I?

Definitely not.

My past doesn't determine my future, it only helps to shape my character.

"Oh hell! Don't cry, your mother is going to  make me sleep on the couch if you ruin your face. Do you see this big chunk of muscles and sexiness? This body can't sleep on the couch." He flex his muscle and wink.

"Ewwhh dad! TMI?" I laugh.

"There we go, that's more like my girl. No tears, keep that beautiful smile on your face." He smiles back at me.

"I love you dad!" I hug him, inhaling the scent that has comforted me so many nights as a child.

"I love you to lynny bear!" He kisses me on the forehead as we hold on to each other.

We pull apart once we hear the piano stop and the song start playing signaling our cue to get ready.

"I could lift you up

I could show you what you wanna see

And take you where you wanna be.." Safe and sound by capital cities plays at a slower tempo.

"You ready? You know we can leave right now if you want to? Just say the word and your old man will whisk you right out of here?" He says looking at the exit.

"No need dad! I'm ready, ready as I'll ever be! And the bridal party just went and took their place.  I think it’s a little too late to get cold feet." I tell him.

"Ok I was actually talking about a runaway bride situation, I think it would be fun, but since you want to be boring and get married the old fashioned way then let's do this, but my threat still stands."

I loop my hand through his and he takes hold of it.

I see the wedding coordinator walking briskly towards us.

She's speaks into her headset then stops and talks to me, handing me my bouquet.

"All the bridesmaid and groomsmen have taken their place. It's time. The kids will go, then you're up!"

I take a deep breath. My dad pulls me closer and looks at me reminding me that I can leave if I want to.

But I smile instead, I'm not going anywhere, my man is waiting for me.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now