Chapter 12 - Living A Lie

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You smile but you're not really happy.
You ask but you don't want to know.
You talk but you aren't saying anything.
You laugh but you don't find it funny.
You cry but it doesn't really mean anything.
You get up but your not really awake.
You sleep but you aren't resting.
your alive but you aren't really living.

Do you know why people lie and cheat?

well because they find it easier to ask for forgiveness than they do permission.

But remember that the truth may hurt now or for a little while, but a lie will hurt foreve forgiveness or not.

Be honest today!

XoXo Yani <3


Raelynn's P.O.V.


"Ughh!" I groaned as I push myself up off the cold title.

Apparently I cried myself to sleep in the bathroom last night by the looks of it.

I'm just glad that I had enough common sense to turn the water off before I fell asleep.

I undressed taking off the dress I wore ro the club and put some toothpaste on my toothbrush before I hopped in the shower.

When the hot water hit my back, all my muscles relaxed.

I sighed trying to enjoy the moment because the rest of my day could only be going to hell if Ethan shows back up, let's hope he doesn't.

What is shocking to me is how interested he is about my life.

No its not shocking, its down right scary.

I have to find a way to keep him outside my house.

I'm sure he's not dumb and by the looks of my babies in the picture frames all around the house and the calculation of their age, it would only take a dumb mule more than seconds to figure that equation out, especially when realizing that they are triplets.

I know Ethan, like everyone else when I inform them that I have three children, automatically thinks I have three individual children, and that I am either married or have multiple baby daddies.

"Psssssshh! I only had sex once for crying out loud!" I exclaimed to no one but myself under the steaming water as I brush my teeth.

I finished showering as I thought of the best way to keep Ethan out and away.

He's only coming back because of Quinn.

That's it! I need to kick Quinn out.

If she's not here then there is no reason for him to come inside or come back.

I quickly got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

I ran into my bedroom. Cara is still asleep.

"Get up Cara!" I smack her with my pillow as I run into the closet and put a T-shirt and sweatpants.

I walk back out of my small closet to the sight of her sitting up in bed.

"You need to get Quinn and go. Ethan plans to come back today I assume to talk to her but you know I can't allow him back inside. Luckily most of the lights were off last night and he was too caught up in Quinn to pay attention until he was leaving. I can't have him back inside my house." I yelled back at her as I walk to the living room to wake Quinn up.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now