Chapter 36 - Revalations

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Hope your day is going well :)

Just a quick update since I'm already late for class. I will try to finish chapter 37 later. Sorry for the errors in advance.

p.S. I love all the comments. They make my day when I read them and I enjoy responding to you guys. ILY all!!





Happy Reading!!! <3


Elena's P.O.V.


It couldn't be.

It can't be.

I haven't seen him in over two years.

I searched high and low for him through a private detective, though I didn't let the kids know.

And now here he is, right when I was just getting used to the idea of letting him go forever. The idea that he ran off with one of his scandalous affairs.

Edward is my soul mate or so I thought.

We were together since our junior year of high school. The typical high school romance story.

Our parents thought it would be a great opportunity to merge the businesses since my father had no male heir to take over from him and I didn't want to fully run such a large corporation. Our marriage right out of high school came as a great convenience to them. We both went off to college together. He was the most attentive and affectionate man ever. He had loved me something fierce back then.

Then I had Ethan, Evani and Evan. He loved them all, but Evania being the only girl, and a daddy's girl, became his pride and joy.

He was never the same after she died.

I knew that one day he would do something to get in serious trouble but I just never knew what.

Now he sits before me in handcuffs and a prison jumpsuit.

I'm still in disbelief that this is what our life has come to.

The last time I saw him was when we decided to separate legally for a period of time but he never came back. It was right before Bryce took over, and he was involved in some scandal with prostitutes.

The stock hit rock bottom, investors were all backing out and no one wanted anything to do with a company whose CEO was spending all the earnings frivolously, and even worst on prostitutes. It took Bryce a lot of work to earn his place back at the top, I was there with him, it wasn't easy. A lot of doors were slammed in his faces and called ignored or abruptly ended. But that didn't stop him. At one point he was about to accept defeat. He left and weeks later he returned with Tomar. I saw the effect that a child and the corporation were were having on him, I told him he was allowed to give it up, no one would be mad at me. Instead he looked at me and said "not now, not ever. I have come too far. I am not my father and it's about time people start to understand that." Six months later and most of the company's affiliated with Edward were back in swing. All of which could have been avoided had Edward been faithful.

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