Chapter 42 - Blossoming Love

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I decided to do two more chapter to be nice before I rap it up.




Shantel's P.O.V


"Tia Tia!" The kids scream attacking my legs as I walk through the door.

Everyone agreed that it was for the best for the kids to just think I am their aunt so that it doesn't confuse them or Tomar in the long run. Quinn gave me the name tia which means 'aunt' in spanish, since they call her ti ti.

"Hi you little Rugrats!" I bend hugging them.

"So no Hi for grandma?" Elena asks standing behind me as the driver brought the luggage to the door.

"Grandma!" They scream running to hug her as well. With the exception of Ryder who is still standing in front of me with his hand stretched out.

I laugh dipping into my purse and then ruffling his hair.

"Here you go sir!" I hand him a pack of Haribo gummy bear.

"Yes! Your the best tia ever!" He hugged my leg once more and ran off so he didn't have to share his candy. The only person he shares with if he does is Tomar.

"Me! Tia me me!" Tomar whined. I laugh at how spoil she is. I'm just happy to be apart of her life.

I picked her up and kiss all over her face as she giggles. "Happy birthday MarMar! How old are you now?" She puts up all five finger on her right hand smiling brightly. So silly. "Wow! You're a big girl now!" I put her back down.

I took out three more candy and gave one to each of them. They thanked me and ran off with each other, Tomar in the back as always trying to keep up, thinking she's the same age.

"You are going to spoil those kids rotten. They have been waiting for you all morning because they know you won't disappoint them when it comes to their favorite candy." Raelynn says holding the door open for us.

"Too bad the soccer player in your tummy can't eat candy yet or I would have brought five packs." I winked hugging her.

"Look at you. Your so huge since the last time I saw you! What are you feeding my grandchild?" Elena asks hugging her as well.

We walk into the living room of their massive house, more like a kingdom and see caterers and tons of flowers, butterflies and hello kitty decoration everywhere.

"The party will be starting in an hour incase you two want to go get freshen up before." Raelynn tells us taking a seat. She is suppose to be due tomorrow, which was obvious since she looks like she will pop any moment. So it works out perfectly since we had to be here today for Tomar's birthday.

"No! I missed my grandbabies. You go and lay down until it's time, I will watch them along with that poor nanny over there who looks like she wants to drown herself in the pool and ensure everything gets done." Elena told Rae.

"Your an angel." Rae smiles.

"Yeah. I think I will go change out of these sweatpants." I said heading up the stairs behind Raelynn.

She stopped at the door to the guestroom that I always use when I stay here.

"I am really happy that your here and is apart of her life Shantel. She growing up and one day she will have questions about her real mom and your family. I just hope you will be around then to help her understand and to help answer questions about the Taylor History that we won't be able to." A tear fell from her eye, but she was smiling. More tears started to fall. "Oh don't mind me, I am just emotional! My hormones are really of the charts these days." We both laugh and embrace in a hug.

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