Chapter 19 - Humpty Dumpty

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~~~~THANK YOU~~~

I just want to say thank you all for the birthday wishes and kind regards. I responded to most of you but for those who I haven't, just know I will and I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and love you all to pieces!


(Hugs and kisses)



Bryce's P.O.V

After listening to mom rehash the story of what happened to Evania it felt like the world was on my shoulders.

Then I got a call that an oil deal went bad in Saudi Arabia which was going to affect my oil companies in Texas! I had to have an emergency conference call to handle the situation before investors find out what's happening tomorrow and stocks start plummeting.

I had my personal assistant from LA fly to Texas so he could get me all the necessary paperwork faxed over. I would have sent Ethan but he was mad and I didn't care to find out why and Evan needed to stay by moms side because she needed the support right now.

Thankfully Rae kept Tomar for me. She's my angel whether she knows it or not.

Just as I sent over the last paper and closed the deal with the oil tycoon in the Middle East I felt my body relax but as I glanced at the clock it tensed again.

Oh fuck! Raelynn's must be pissed but she would have called if she didn't want to deal with Tomar anymore and Idon't remember my phone ringing.

I pulled my phone out my pocket to see that the battery is dead.

Yeah I totally fucked this one up. She's never going to ever help me out again, I totally lost track of time. By the time I get there it will be around midnight.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out the office to my car and put my phone on the charger before speeding off in the direction of her house.

Five minutes later I hear my phone turn on and then a bunch of alerts going off. I scroll through all the voicemails only looking for one name. I then go to my text messages and see the name I was looking for.

Wifey:  Hey. I have been trying to call you. It's getting really late and I'm going to sleep. You can get Tomar in the morning at 7:30 before I leave, if not, then there is a key under the gnome by the front door, I'm really tired so I might not hear the doorbell.


Yeah she's clearly not my wife or even my girlfriend, but I promise she will be. A man can only dream right now.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now