Chapter 11 - Here & Now

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This chapter is dedicated to a fan and follower who became  a friend with her never ending support and encouragement.

You are an exceptional person!

This chapter is what it is today because I met you!

Happy Belated Birthday love @tomarj18

XoXo Yani <3


Bryce P.O.V


After graduation from college I took over running my families companies along with my twin brothers, Ethan and Evan.

I became the heir to Radley's Inc., and many others.

There have been many questions as to why my older brothers weren't the ones to inherit it all since I was younger.

Truth is, neither one of them wanted the responsibility of accountability and overseeing all operations, and their passion was not in finance and the stock market as was mine.

Evan was too busy being a playboy and Ethan was too busy traveling the world, which was more like running away from a broken heart.

I was the only one serious enough and my father was ready to retire after his scandalous affair which had stocks plummeting, so he passed it all down to me, since he had already groomed me to take over.

I held majority of the shares, sixty percent, while forty percent was split evenly between Ethan and Evan, in case they ever changed their minds.

That was two years ago.

I was only twenty one at the time.

It felt like the world was on my shoulders, but I felt powerful as well. I took the time built Radley Inc. back up from my fathers mess, since it was the only company bearing his name, it was the main one affected.

During my first year, Evan changed his mind about wanting to be involved. 

He still didn't want to be responsible, so I made him my shadow, he learned to handle meetings and negotiations of lesser urgency so I could focus on more important things, he was also in charge of all the staff and security as well as gaining new accounts, since he's a peoples person and loves to socialize.

Ethan finally decided to settle down this year and has joined us as well. 

Like Evan, he did not want to be fully responsible for such large corporations and preferred to do a more laid back part of running the company. 

I had a lot going on right now and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to have him travel to all the offices throughout the world and ensure everything is running smoothly when necessary since my life was too hectic to do such anymore.

He accepted gladly to such as well as being in charge of marketing.

Today we arrived in New York to check on the offices here, some stocks and financial statements as well as to acquire a couple company's that were going under.  

Normally I would leave this to Ethan, but I couldn't afford for this deal to go wrong, so I chose to deal with it personally because I have great plans for the company I am trying to buyout.

Ethan still came because I have to be home in the morning and tomorrow I would need him to stay back to sign off on any additional paper work. 

Evan decided to come along, well because he's wanted to play around I would assume.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now