Chapter 3 - A Night in Heaven

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~~~~~Quote for the Chapter~~~~

He ignores you but you like him,

he does nothing, yet you fall for him,

you miss him though you know he doesn't think about you

because following your heart,

sometimes mean losing your mind.


Love is gentle, love is kind. No one should ever have to cry for real love.

XoXo Yani


"Ok we can go now." Quinn said as she grabbed Ethan's hand and pulled him away towards the living room where a dance floor was set up.

"Come find us if you need us or just text me and I'll come right back." Cara said before she went with Evan.

I turned to look back at Bryce and he just started at me blankly and barely whispered "Raelynn?" Which sounded more like a question.

"Hey Bryce! Nice house! I had no clue you had twin brothers. They seem pretty cool..." Ok I realized I was rambling on. I saw another plastic cup beside me that Ethan had poured some drinks into. I took it and gulped it down and started coughing as it seemed it went down the wrong pipe.

"Hey. You alright?" Bryce asked patting my back.

I looked up at him with water in my eyes. Yes, that's how bad my stupid self was chocking because I was being consumed with nerves. But right now, my stomach felt like it was on fire. I don't know if it was because of Bryce or the alcohol. But I just knew it felt good.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I don't want to dance so don't bother yourself. I'm just gonna so sit out there." I point in no specific direction, as I grab another cup and walk away.

I don't even know where I'm going but I saw door all the way in the back, so I decided to walk in that direction. Turns out it's a deck that circles the back of the house overlooking the pool.

There were a lot of girls in bikinis running around and guys dunking them in the pool. One couple even happened to be making out and possibly doing more in the Jacuzzi.

I braced myself on my arms which were resting on the rail as I continued to watch everyone below and their antics.

I suddenly jumped as I felt a palm on my back and hot breath brush against my right ear. "You look beautiful Raelynn, you always do." Bryce said, and I hadn't realized he had followed me out.

"Damn Bryce! Who the hell is the hot chick? Everyone's been talking about her all night. The guys even got a bet going on who's gonna tap that ass first." The person who sounded much like Dylan, Bryce best friend said.

I was moving my body to turn around to see exactly who it was when, Bryce brought his hand around to stomach which was barely covered since I was wearing a crop top. His hands felt so good going across my stomach that I slightly moaned but quickly snapped out of it when I heard Bryce growl and hold me in place.

I felt him turn, not moving his hand from my stomach before he yelled at Dylan. "Dylan leave and close the damn door!"

For some reason my nerves felt really calm with him standing behind me. "Bryce what are you doing?" Ok maybe now I need a little more liquid courage, so once again without thinking I swallowed all the drink in the cup before I felt him grab the cup from my hand.

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