Chapter 27 - What Done in the Dark.

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Shantel's P.O.V

It's been three weeks that we've been here in Germany now and I'm emotionally drained.

Ever since Bryce came into my life it's been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster that I don't think I will ever be able to get off.

As much as our situation is fucked up, it's hard letting him go.

Him and Tomar are all I have.

He's been there for me from the start and has saved me so many times from myself.

He doesn't pity me when I'm down, he picks me up and brushes me back off. He helps me to lift my head up again. He's the most wonderful man I have ever met.

At this point I am really dependent on him, I don't know how to stand on my own anymore.

I damn sure plan to try, the other attempts only landed me back in rehab, but hopefully this trip with Bryce will give me what I need to do so.

Last night was one of those nights where I just felt so weak.

I woke up and looked into Bryce's sleeping face knowing that any woman he planned to marry  be so lucky. His heart loves like I've never seen before.

I pushed out of his bed and went to get ready in my room since we had to go a meet with his lawyer this morning.

I put on one of the many dresses he bought me and a nude heels after showering. I straightened my hair and put my earrings in.

As soon as I am finished. I grabbed my purse and walked into the foyer of our penthouse.

"Morning. Ready to go?" He asked walking out of his room trying to fix his tie.


We walked into the elevator.

"Here let me fix that for you."

It seems he was fumbling trying to fix his tie this morning. I can understand why.

Bad nerves.

Like I said, we're both on this roller coaster together. We try to keep it that way because the less people to get on this ride, the less people that will get hurt.

But it ain't easy, trust me.

"Thank you." He kissed me on my forehead. "You look good this morning." He smiled and it warmed my heart.

I was really trying to keep myself together, especially around him. He's the last person I would ever want to disappoint again.

He's done so much for me.

Whether it was out of guilt, pity or this relationship, I was more than grateful, no matter the reason.

He's actually thinking about taking me back to New York with him and letting me have Tomar one day out of the week.

I really hopes he means it, I don't think I can take another plunge in my life as strong as I may try to make myself seem right now.

I'm barely holding on.

Who knows where I would be without Bryce Radley.

He told me about everything that has happened since we last had our heart to heart.

He showed me pictures of the triplets and Tomar, they were all so adorable and the triplets were like little minions of him, especially the one that has eyes that looked like they could see right through your soul.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now