Chapter 35 - Love Me with Lies

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Two updates in one day???? I'm going to try and do chapter 36 right now as well so I can give you all the secrets! it may take a 2-4 hrs for me to put it all into words and restructure all that I wrote couple months ago.

any ways, ENJOY!



Evan's P.O.V.


I'm sick and tired of this mayhem.

I'm never coming back to Germany. Nothing good has happened here.

This Shantel chick is getting better, now I'm hoping she doesn't cause any more drama. Just her name alone can cause mom to go crazy.

Well let me take that back. This is all Bryce's fault, Shantel wouldn't have the power to hurt Rae if Bryce didn't let her.

But not only is Rae hurting, so are the kids.

I feel like she's not going to make it through this pregnancy and will resent Bryce for it all in the end. I hope that doesn't happen.

"We're here sir!" The driver announces.

"Thanks, we'll be out in a minute, don't go far." I told him.

He agreed to park by the waiting area until I get back with Bryce.

I entered the hospital and made my way to Bryce room, but only he wasn't there.

I walked back out and noticed the guard at Shantel's door.

"Is he in there?" I asked pointing to the door since it was closed.

"Yes!" He answered curtly.

I made my way around him but he stopped me giving me a stern look, letting me know I couldn't go in there.

I backed away accepting defeat.

"Let him know I am here will you?" I asked him annoyed.

Ever since our mother snuck into Shantels room under some food cart and decided she wanted to kill her with a syringe filled with god knows what and the nurse caught her, Bryce decided since he couldn't keep track of mom, that a guard would be best.

Smart move, or I'm sure mom would have found some way to cremate her by now. If Bryce wasn't in the hospital she probably would have burned it to the grown.

The woman is crazy once you get her started.

The guard stuck his head in the room and said something in German. I didn't hear Bryce reply but shortly after he exited her room, spoke back to the guard in German and then walked towards his room.

He was already dressed.

I followed him to his room. He grabbed his bag from the bed that mom had brought with clothes.

He then turned to me, glared and walking around me going through the door.

"Let's go!" He told me halfway through the door.

I followed him once more to the elevator.

"Well good afternoon to you too my lovely little brother." I smirked at his attitude.

I looked at him to see his jaw clench as we entered the elevator and I push the button for the first floor.

Now irritated with him I can't help but to get pissed off.

"What the hell is your problem now dude? What the fuck done got stuck up your ass this morning? A broom? Your head? A need?" I asked showing my irritation.

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now