Chapter 37 - Run for the Hills

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Hey yo!!!!!!

so please don't kill me but I tried not to end the chapter with a cliffy but it still happened!  :(  its the last cliffy :)

lol but look at the bright side, I'm updating chapter 38 today as well. So there won't be much wait for the next chapter.

The story is almost over and I've been updating like crazy this week. It will be finished by Friday.



Bryce's P.O.V.


Edward was taken to the prison infirmary since my mother knocked him into unconsciousness with the chair.

She was restrained until she calmed down, then ultimately banned from visiting again.

I had already texted the driver to take the kids and Quinn back to the hotel after McDonald's instead of returning here.

As we were escorted out, I had Ethan and Evan take mom back to the hotel as well, so that I could have some privacy to talk to Raelynn.

I opened the truck door for her and then slid in next to her.

I looked in the rearview mirror and made eye contact with the driver.

"Gruneburgpark" I told him. I would tell him to just drive until I say stop but it's nice out, it would be nice to just have some fresh air after everything that was just said. And since that is the only park I noticed on several occasions when visiting my lawyer and always enjoyed its beauty, I think it would be nice to go for a walk.

The driver nod and took off in that direction.

"Bryce where are the kids? Did you let Quinn know we were leaving not to return here?" Rae asked.

"Yes, I texted her and the driver while we were still inside. They are fine, I promise. You know I would never let anything happen to them. You and our kids are my world." I told her.

She looked at me unsure.

"I promise!"

The Billionaire's Secret Babies (The Radley's 1)EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now