Chapter 4 - Morning In Hell

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++++++++Authors note+++++++++++

This chapter is dedicated to a very loyal supporter! She's an amazing person and she loves to read. Follow her and I am sure she would love to read your work. @tomarj18.

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Hope you all had a great Easter!!!

Another 100 reads! you know what that means right?

yup! here is Chapter 4! see how sweet I am ;)




~~~~~Quote for the Chapter~~~~

Never regret anything that has happened in your life,

it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten

so take it as a lesson learned and move on.


Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so today please love someone who treats you right and forget someone who don't.

XoXo Yani


I opened my eyes to Quinn shaking me. I took in my surroundings and realized I wasn't in my room.

"Where am I?" I asked groggily.

"You don't remember last night?" She asked, looking distraught.

I shook my head which was pounding as I tried to remember. Then it all came rushing back to me.

"Oh gosh! I think I'm gonna be sick." I got up and looked around and saw an adjoining door and ran right in, saw the toilet and fell humbly before it puking my stomach out.

Quinn came in the bathroom holding my clothes which caused me to suddenly acknowledge that I was stark naked.

I rinsed my mouth out and hurriedly put my clothes on. I felt so stupid. Bryce wasn't even here with me. He probably just left after getting what he wanted and went on to the next girl. I don't know why I was so stupid to think I was different after everything he said, its clear now that it was all a game to him.

"Where's Bryce?" I asked Quinn.

"I have no clue. We came to get you last night so we could leave after Dylan told us you went upstairs with Bryce. Ethan showed me to Bryce room so I could get you, but you were like really loud and was screaming for him not to stop, and since I didn't have a death wish, I wasn't going to be the one to break it up. We all were hanging out down stairs until we fell asleep. I just woke up and checked the time. I had called your dad and told him you were at my house and fell asleep, so he wouldn't expect you home last night. But we need to go now, or you're going to miss your flight. I haven't seen Bryce." She explained.

So Bryce really did just slept with me and left. I felt so low at the moment. I hung my head and walked straight to the car ignoring the twins as they tried to get my attention.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me as soon as I walk out onto the driveway.

Bryce was standing next to the passenger side of a car with no shirt, swim trunks riding low and the school whore had her arms around his neck and her lips plastered to his.

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